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0804: DIDComm Remote Procedure Call (DRPC)


The DIDComm Remote Procedure Call (DRPC) protocol enables a JSON-RPC-based request-response interaction to be carried out across a DIDComm channel. The protocol is designed to enable custom interactions between connected agents, and to allow for the rapid prototyping of experimental DIDComm protocols. An agent sends a DIDComm message to request a JSON-RPC service be invoked by another agent, and gets back the JSON-RPC-format response in subsequent DIDComm message. The protocol enables any request to be conveyed that the other agent understands. Out of scope of this protocol is how the requesting agent discovers the services available from the responding agent, and how the two agents know the semantics of the specified JSON-RPC requests and responses. By using DIDComm between the requesting and responding agents, the security and privacy benefits of DIDComm are accomplished, and the generic parameters of the requests allow for flexibility in how and where the protocol can be used.


There are several use cases that are driving the initial need for this protocol.

App Attestation

A mobile wallet needs to get an app attestation verifiable credential from the wallet publisher. To do that, the wallet and publisher need to exchange information specific to to the attestation process with the Google and Apple stores. The sequence is as follows:

  • The wallet decides (for some reason) it needs an App Attestation credential from its publisher.
  • If not already available, a DIDComm connection between the wallet and the attestation service is created.
  • The wallet uses the DRPC protocol to request a nonce from the service to be used in the attestation. The service responds with the nonce.
  • The wallet uses a new instance of the DRPC protocol to request the attestation be performed. The service responds with the status of the attestation process.
  • The service completes the business process by initiating an Issue Credential process to issue an attestation verifiable credential.

The wallet and service are using instances of three protocols (two DRPC and one Issue Credential) to carry out a full business process. Each participant must have knowledge of the full business process--there is nothing inherent in the DRPC protocol about this process, or how it is being used. The DRPC protocol is included to provide a generic request-response mechanism that alleviates the need for formalizing special purpose protocols.

App attestation is a likely candidate for a having its own DIDComm protocol. This use of DRPC is ideal for developing and experimenting with the necessary agent interactions before deciding on if a use-specific protocol is needed and its semantics.

Video Verification Service

A second example is using the DRPC protocol is to implement a custom video verification service that is used by a specific mobile wallet implementation and a proprietary backend service prior to issuing a credential to the wallet. Since the interactions are to a proprietary service, so an open specification does not make sense, but the use of DIDComm is valuable. In this example, the wallet communicates over DIDComm to a Credential Issuer agent that (during verification) proxies the requests/responses to a backend ("behind the firewall") service. The wallet is implemented to use DRPC protocol instances to initiate the verification and receive the actions needed to carry out the steps of the verification (take picture, take video, instruct movements, etc.), sending to the Issuer agent the necessary data. The Issuer conveys the requests to the verification service and the responses back to the mobile wallet. At the end of the process, the Issuer can see the result of the process, and decide on the next actions between it and the mobile wallet, such as issuing a credential.

Again, after using the DRPC protocol for developing and experimenting with the implementation, the creators of the protocol can decide to formalize their own custom, end-to-end protocol, or continue to use the DRPC protocol instances. Important is that they can begin development without doing any Aries frameworks customizations or plugins by using DRPC.


Name and Version

This is the DRPC protocol. It is uniquely identified by the URI:


Key Concepts

This RFC assumes that you are familiar with DID communication.

The protocol consists of a DIDComm request message carrying an arbitrary JSON-RPC request to a responding agent, and a second message that carries the result of processing the request back to the client of the first message. The interpretation of the request, how to carry out the request, the content of the response, and the interpretation of the response, are all up to the business logic (controllers) of the participating agents. There is no discovery of remote services offered by agents--it is assumed that the two participants are aware of the DRPC capabilities of one another through some other means. For example, from the App Attestation use case, functionality to carry out the app attestation process, and the service to use it is built into the mobile wallet.

Those unfamiliar with JSON-RPC, the <tl;dr> is that it is a very simple request response protocol using JSON where the only data shared is:

  • a method that defines what needs to be done,
  • some params in JSON that are up to the requester/server to agree on, and
  • an (optional) id to connect the response to the request.

The response is likewise simple:

  • a result item if the invocation completed successful containing the return results,
  • an error item if the invocation failed, containing details about the failure, and
  • the id from the request.

An example of a simple JSON-RPC request/response pair from the specification is:

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": 1}
<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 19, "id": 1}

A JSON-RPC request may be a batch of requests, each with a different id value, and the response a similar array, with an entry for each of the requests.

JSON-RPC follows a similar "parameters defined by the message type" pattern as DIDComm. As a result, in this protocol we do not need to add any special handling around the params such as Base64 encoding, signing, headers and so on, as the parties interacting with the protocol by definition must have a shared understanding of the content of the params and can define any special handling needed amongst themselves.

It is expected (although not required) that an Aries Framework receiving a DRPC message will simply pass to its associated "business logic" (controller) the request from the client, and wait on the controller to provide the response content to be sent back to the original client. Apart from the messaging processing applied to all inbound and outbound messages, the Aries Framework will not perform any of the actual processing of the request.


There are two roles, adopted from the JSON-RPC specification, in the protocol client and server:

  • The client initiates the protocol, sending a request to the server.
  • The server carries out the request however they see fit. The server may process the request themselves, or might invoke another service to process the request. The server might be unable or unwilling to carry out the request.
  • The server returns the response from the request in a message to the client.


Client States

The client agent goes through the following states:

  • request-sent
  • completed

The state transition table for the client is:

State / Events Send Request Receive Response
Start Transition to
request-sent Transition to
problem-report received Transition to

Server States

The server agent goes through the following states:

  • request-received
  • completed

The state transition table for the server is:

State / Events Receive Request Send Response or Problem Report
Start Transition to
request-received Transition to


The following are the messages in the DRPC protocol. The response message handles all positive responses, so the ack (RFC 0015 ACKs) message is NOT adopted by this protocol. The RFC 0035 Report Problem is adopted by this protocol in the event that a request is not recognizable as a JSON-RPC message and as such, a JSON-RPC response message cannot be created. See the details below in the Problem Report Message section.

Request Message

The request message is sent by the client to initiate the protocol. The message contains the JSON-RPC information necessary for the server to process the request, prepare the response, and send the response message back to the client. It is assumed the client knows what types of requests the server is prepared to receive and process. If the server does not know how to process the error, JSON-RPC has a standard response, outlined in the response message section below. How the client and server coordinate that understanding is out of scope of this protocol.

The request message uses the same JSON items as JSON-RPC, skipping the id in favor of the existing DIDComm @id and thread handling.

    "@type": "",
    "@id": "2a0ec6db-471d-42ed-84ee-f9544db9da4b",
    "request" : {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": 1}

The items in the message are as follows:

  • @type -- required, must be as above
  • @id -- required, must be as defined in [RFC 0005 DIDComm]
  • request -- required, an item containing a JSON-RPC request JSON structure.
  • request MUST be either a single JSON-RPC request, or an array of JSON-RPC requests.
  • Each JSON-RPC request MUST have the jsonrpc and method items.
  • Each JSON-RPC request MAY have the params and id items.
    • See the details below about the handling of notification JSON-RPC requests, requests where the id field is omitted.
  • See the JSON-RPC specification for details about the jsonrpc, method, params and id JSON items.

Per the JSON-RPC specification, if the id field of a JSON-RPC request is omitted, the server should not respond. In this DRPC DIDComm protocol, the server is always expected to send a response, but MUST NOT include a JSON-RPC response for any JSON-RPC request for which the id is omitted. This is covered further in the response message section (below).

Response Message

A response message is sent by the server to following the processing of the request to convey the output of the processing to the client. As with the request the format mostly exactly that of a JSON-RPC response.

If the request is unrecognizable as a JSON-RPC message such that a JSON-RPC message cannot be generated, the server SHOULD send a RFC 0035 Report Problem message to the client.

It is assumed the client understands what the contents of the response message means in the context of the protocol instance. How the client and server coordinate that understanding is out of scope of this protocol.

    "@type": "",
    "@id": "63d6f6cf-b723-4eaf-874b-ae13f3e3e5c5",
    "response": {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 19, "id": 1}

The items in the message are as follows:

  • @type -- required, must be as above
  • @id -- required, must be as defined in [RFC 0005 DIDComm]
  • response -- required, an item containing a JSON-RPC response JSON structure.
  • response MUST be either single (possibly empty) JSON-RPC response, or an array of JSON-RPC responses.
    • If all of the JSON-RPC requests in the request message are notifications (e.g., the id item is omitted), the DIDComm response message MUST be sent back with the value: "response" : {}.
  • Each JSON-RPC response MUST have the jsonrpc and id items, and either a result or error item.
    • See the JSON-RPC specification for details about the jsonrpc, id, result and error JSON items.

As with all DIDComm messages that are not the first in a protocol instance, a ~thread decorator MUST be included in the response message.

The special handling of the "all JSON-RPC requests are notifications" described above is to simplify the DRPC handling to know when a DRPC protocol instance is complete. If a response message is not always required, the DRPC handler would have to inspect the request message to look for ids to determine when the protocol completes.

If the server does not understand how to process a given JSON-RPC request, a response error SHOULD be returned (as per the JSON-RPC specification) with:

  • error.code value -32601,
  • error.message set to Method not found, and
  • no item.

Problem Report Message

A RFC 0035 Report Problem message SHOULD be sent by the server instead of a response message only if the request is unrecognizable as a JSON-RPC message. An JSON-RPC errors MUST be provided to the client by the server via the response message, not a problem-report. The client MUST NOT respond to a response message, even if the response message is not a valid JSON-RPC response. This is because once the server sends the response, the protocol is in the completed state (from the server's perspective) and so is subject to deletion. As such, a follow up problem-report message would have an invalid thid (thread ID) and (at best) be thrown away by the server.


The primary constraint with this protocol is that the two parties using the protocol must understand one another--what JSON-RPC request(s) to use, what parameters to provide, how to process the those requests, what the response means, and so on. It is not a protocol to be used between arbitrary parties, but rather one where the parties have knowledge outside of DIDComm of one another and their mutual capabilities.

On the other hand, that constraint enables great flexibility for explicitly collaborating agents (such as a mobile wallet and the agent of its manufacturer) to accomplish request-response transactions over DIDComm without needing to define additional DIDComm protocols. More complex interactions can be accomplished by carrying out a sequence of DRPC protocol instances between agents.

The flexibility the DRPC protocol allows for experimenting with specific interactions between agents that could later evolve into formal DIDComm "fit for purpose" protocols.


Codes Catalog

A JSON-RPC request codes catalog could be developed over time and be included in this part of the RFC. This might an intermediate step in transitioning a given interaction implemented using DRPC into formally specified interaction. On the other hand, simply defining a full DIDComm protocol will often be a far better approach.

At this time, there are no codes to be cataloged.


Anything that can be done by using the DRPC protocol can be accomplished by a formally defined protocol specific to the task to be accomplished. The advantage of the DRPC protocol is that pairs of agent instances that are explicitly collaborating can use this protocol without having to first define a task-specific protocol.

Rationale and alternatives

We considered not supporting the notification and batch forms of the JSON-RPC specification, and decided it made sense to allow for the full support of the JSON-RPC specification, including requests of those forms. That said, we also found that the concept of not having a DRPC response message in some (likely, rare) cases based on the contents of the request JSON item (e.g., when all of the ids are omitted from the JSON-RPC requests) would unnecessarily complicate the DIDComm protocol instance handling about when it is complete. As a result, a DRPC response message is always required.

This design builds on the experience of implementations of this kind of feature using RFC 0095 Basic Message and RFC 0335 HTTP Over DIDComm. This design tries to build off the learnings gained from both of those implementations.

Based on feedback to an original version of the RFC, we looked as well at using gRPC as the core of this protocol, versus JSON-RPC. Our assessment was that gRPC was a much heavier weight mechanism that required more effort between parties to define and implement what will often be a very simple request-response transaction -- at the level of defining a DIDComm protocol.

The use of params and leaving the content and semantics of the params up to the client and server means that they can define the appropriate handling of the parameters. This eliminates the need for the protocol to define, for example, that some data needs to be Base64 encoding for transmission, or if some values need to be cryptographically signed. Such details are left to the participants and how they are using the protocol.

Prior art

This protocol has similar goals to the RFC 0335 HTTP Over DIDComm protocol, but takes a lighter weight, more flexible approach. We expect that implementing HTTP over DIDComm using this protocol will be as easy as using RFC 0335 HTTP Over DIDComm, where the JSON-RPC request's params data structure holds the headers and body elements for the HTTP request. On the other hand, using the explicit RFC 0335 HTTP Over DIDComm is might be a better choice if it is available and exactly what is needed.

One of the example use cases for this protocol has been implemented by "hijacking" the RFC 0095 Basic Message protocol to carry out the needed request/response actions. This approach is less than ideal in that:

  • That is not the intended use of RFC 0095 Basic Message, which is to send a basic, human consumable message to the other agent.
  • The request method and parameters have to be encoded into the basic message.
  • The RFC 0095 Basic Message protocol is a single message protocols, so each request-response interaction requires two instances of the protocol, and for the controllers to manage connecting the interactions together.

Unresolved questions


The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.

Implementation Notes may need to include a link to test results.

Name / Link Implementation Notes