All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description Checkpointer Persists the current block and transactions within that block to enable event listening to be resumed following an application outage.CommitHandler Class to handle waiting for an appropriate number of successful commit events to be received from peers following submit of a transaction to the orderer.CommitHandlerFactory Functional interface describing a factory function for constructingCommitHandler
instances.CommitListener Implemented by listeners for transaction commit events.Contract Represents a smart contract instance in a network.ContractEvent Event emitted by the business logic of a smart contract during execution of a transaction.ContractException Thrown when an error occurs invoking a smart contract.DefaultCheckpointers Provides static factory methods used to create instances of defaultCheckpointer
implementations.DefaultCommitHandlers Default commit handler implementations.DefaultQueryHandlers Default query handler implementations.Gateway The Gateway provides the connection point for an application to access the Fabric network as a specific user.Gateway.Builder The Gateway Builder interface defines the options that can be configured prior to connection.GatewayException Base class for exceptions thrown by the Gateway SDK or by components of the underlying Fabric.GatewayRuntimeException Runtime exception for gateway classes.Identities This class consists exclusively of static methods used to create and operate on identity information.Identity Common behavior shared by all identity implementations.Network A Network object represents the set of peers in a Fabric network (channel).PeerDisconnectEvent Event with information relating to a peer disconnect.Query Defines a query and provides methods to evaluate the query on specific peers.QueryHandler Handler responsible for evaluating a given query against appropriate peers.QueryHandlerFactory Functional interface describing a factory function for constructingQueryHandler
instances.Transaction A Transaction represents a specific invocation of a transaction function, and provides flexibility over how that transaction is invoked.Wallet A wallet stores identity information used to connect to a Hyperledger Fabric network.Wallets Factory methods for creating wallets to hold identity information, using various backing stores.WalletStore Interface for store implementations that provide backing storage for identities in aWallet
.X509Identity Identity comprising an X.509 certificate and associated private key.