Uses of Package

This package provides the set of interfaces that enable a Java application to interact with a Fabric blockchain network.
  • Class
    A Fabric Gateway call to obtain block and private data events.
    Builder used to create a new block and private data events request.
    A Fabric Gateway call to obtain block events.
    Builder used to create a new block events request.
    A builder used to create new object instances from configuration state.
    Use gRPC CallOptions instead.
    Chaincode event emitted by a transaction function.
    A Fabric Gateway call to obtain chaincode events.
    Builder used to create a new chaincode events request.
    Checkpoint provides the current position for event processing.
    Checkpointer allows update of a checkpoint position after events are successfully processed.
    An iterator that can be closed when the consumer does not want to read any more elements, freeing up resources that may be held by the iterator.
    Allows access to information about a transaction that is committed to the ledger.
    Thrown when a transaction fails to commit successfully.
    Thrown when a failure occurs obtaining the commit status of a transaction.
    Represents a smart contract instance in a network.
    Thrown when a failure occurs endorsing a transaction proposal.
    Builder used to create a new events request.
    A Fabric Gateway call to obtain events.
    A Fabric Gateway call to obtain filtered block events.
    Builder used to create a new filtered block events request.
    The Gateway provides the connection point for an application to access the Fabric network as a specific user.
    The builder is used to specify the options used when connecting a Gateway.
    Thrown if an error is encountered while invoking gRPC services on a gateway peer.
    Hash function implementations used to generate a digest of a supplied message.
    Network represents a network of nodes that are members of a specific Fabric channel.
    A Fabric Gateway transaction proposal, which can be used to evaluate a transaction to query ledger state, or obtain endorsements so that the transaction can be submitted to update ledger state.
    Builder used to create a new transaction proposal.
    A Fabric Gateway call that can be explicitly signed.
    Information about a transaction that is committed to the ledger.
    Thrown when a failure occurs submitting an endorsed transaction to the orderer.
    Allows access to the transaction result and its commit status on the ledger.
    An endorsed transaction that can be submitted to the orderer for commit to the ledger.
    Thrown when a failure occurs invoking a transaction.