Package-level declarations


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class AlgorithmKey(val property: String = "algorithm") : KeyProperties

Represents a key that holds an algorithm property.

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class CurveKey(val property: String = "curve") : KeyProperties

Represents a key property for the curve.

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class CurvePointXKey(val property: String = "curvePoint.x") : KeyProperties

Class representing the CurvePointXKey.

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class CurvePointYKey(val property: String = "curvePoint.y") : KeyProperties

Represents a key property for the y-coordinate of a curve point.

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class CustomKey(val property: String) : KeyProperties

Represents a custom key with a specific property.

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interface DerivableKey

This interface defines the functionality of a derivable key.

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class DerivationPathKey(val property: String = "derivationPath") : KeyProperties

Represents a derivation path key. Inherits from the KeyProperties class.

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interface ExportableKey

This interface defines what is required for a key to be exportable

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interface ImportableKey

This interface defines what is required for a key to be importable

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class IndexKey(val property: String = "index") : KeyProperties

Class representing an index key.

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data class JWK(val kty: String, val alg: String? = null, val kid: String? = null, val use: String? = null, val n: String? = null, val e: String? = null, val d: String? = null, val p: String? = null, val q: String? = null, val dp: String? = null, val dq: String? = null, val qi: String? = null, val crv: String? = null, val x: String? = null, val y: String? = null, val k: String? = null)

Representation of a JWK (JSON Web Key)

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abstract class Key

Abstraction defining the base of what a Key is.

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abstract class KeyPair

Data class representing a pair of private and public keys for a specific key curve.

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abstract class KeyProperties

The KeyProperties class is an abstract class that provides a framework for defining key properties. Each subclass of KeyProperties must implement the property property.

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interface KeyRestoration

This interface defines the functionality to verify and restore cryptographic keys

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Enumeration class representing different types of keys.

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data class PEMKey(val keyType: PEMKeyType, val keyData: ByteArray)

Representation of a cryptographic key in PEM format.

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Definition of the PEM key types available

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abstract class PrivateKey : Key

Abstraction of what a PrivateKey is and what functionality provides.

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abstract class PublicKey : Key

Abstraction of what a PublicKey is and the functionality it provides.

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class RawKey(val property: String = "raw") : KeyProperties

Represents a raw key with the property "raw".

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class SeedKey(val property: String = "seed") : KeyProperties

Represents a seed key used for deriving private keys.

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interface SignableKey

This interface defines the functionality of a signable key.

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interface StorableKey

This interface defines what a key requires to be storable.

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data class StorablePrivateKey(val id: String, val restorationIdentifier: String, val data: String, val keyPathIndex: Int?)
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class TypeKey(val property: String = "type") : KeyProperties

Represents a specific type of key with a "type" property. Inherits from the abstract class KeyProperties.

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interface VerifiableKey

This interface defines the functionality of a verifiable key.


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Method to get a KeyCurve instance based on a key String name.

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Returns a KeyProperties object based on the given name.