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Asset Transfer

This document lists sample ways in which you can exercise the asset-transfer interoperation protocol on the test network launched earlier.

Once the networks, relays, and drivers have been launched, and the ledgers bootstrapped, you can trigger the following interoperation flows corresponding to distinct asset-sharing combinations other combinations of DLTs will be supported soon):

1. Fabric with Fabric

One Fabric network transfers either a bond or some tokens owned by Alice to Bob in the other network

Assuming that the simpleassettransfer chaincode has been deployed in both networks, run the following steps by navigating to the samples/fabric/fabric-cli folder (the Go CLI doesn't support asset transfer yet).

Transfer or recover a bond (non-fungible) asset

  1. Verify that alice owns bonds with ids a03 and a04 as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a03"]' --local-network=network1
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a04"]' --local-network=network1
    You should see a JSON structure corresponding to the bond being logged on the console in each case.
  2. Get alice in network1 to pledge bond a03 to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 hour timeout):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=3600 --type=bond --ref=a03 --data-file=src/data/assetsForTransfer.json
    You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string).
  3. Get bob in network2 to claim this bond asset as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type='bond.fabric' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=bond01:a03
  4. Verify that alice in network1 does not own this asset as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a03"]' --local-network=network1
    You should see an error message like Error: the asset a03 does not exist.
  5. Verify that bob in network2 now owns this asset as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=bob mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a03"]' --local-network=network2
  6. Now get alice in network1 to pledge bond a04 to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 minute timeout):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=60 --type=bond --ref=a04 --data-file=src/data/assetsForTransfer.json
    Wait for a minute as follows:
    sleep 60
    You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string).
  7. Now get bob in network2 to claim this bond asset as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type='bond.fabric' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=bond01:a04
    This should fail as the pledge has already expired.
  8. Now get alice in network1 to reclaim the asset as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer reclaim --source-network=network1 --user=alice --type='bond.fabric' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=bond01:a04
  9. Verify that alice in network1 owns this asset as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a04"]' --local-network=network1
  10. Verify that bob in network2 does not own this asset as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=bob mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a04"]' --local-network=network2
    You should see an error message like Error: the asset a04 does not exist.

Transfer or recover token (fungible) assets

  1. Verify that alice in network1 owns 10000 tokens as follows:
    ./scripts/ network1 alice
  2. Verify that bob in network2 owns no tokens as follows:
    ./scripts/ network2 bob
    You should see an error message like Error: owner does not have a wallet.
  3. Get alice in network1 to pledge 50 tokens to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 hour timeout):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=3600 --type=token --units=50 --owner=alice --data-file=src/data/tokensForTransfer.json
    You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string).
  4. Get bob in network2 to claim these tokens as follows (replace <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type='token.fabric' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:50
  5. Verify that alice in network1 owns 9950 tokens (after losing 50) as follows:
    ./scripts/ network1 alice
  6. Verify that bob in network2 now owns 50 tokens as follows:
    ./scripts/ network2 bob
  7. Now get alice in network1 to pledge 100 tokens to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 minute timeout):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=60 --type=token --units=100 --owner=alice --data-file=src/data/tokensForTransfer.json
    Wait for a minute as follows:
    sleep 60
    You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string).
  8. Now get bob in network2 to claim these tokens as follows (replace <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type='token.fabric' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:100
    This should fail as the pledge has already expired.
  9. Now get alice in network1 to reclaim these tokens as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer reclaim --source-network=network1 --user=alice --type='token.fabric' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:100
  10. Verify that alice in network1 still owns 9950 tokens (after losing 50) as follows:
    ./scripts/ network1 alice
  11. Verify that bob in network2 still owns only 50 tokens as follows:
    ./scripts/ network2 bob

2. Corda with Corda

One Corda network transfers either a bond or some tokens owned by the party PartyA (CORDA_PORT=10006) to the party PartyA (CORDA_PORT=30006) in the other network.

Transfer or recover token (fungible) assets

Assume that the CorDapp cordaSimpleApplication has been deployed in both networks.

  • Navigate to the weaver/samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder in your clone of the Cacti repository.
  • Add 5 tokens of type t1 to PartyA in Corda_Network:

    NETWORK_NAME='Corda_Network' CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients issue-asset-state 5 t1
    (check token balance for PartyA by running the command CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-asset-states-by-type t1)

  • Let PartyA pledge these tokens in Corda_Network to be transferred to PartyA of Corda_Network2 (pledge burns the tokens in the source/exporting network):

    NETWORK_NAME='Corda_Network' CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer pledge-asset --fungible --timeout="3600" --import-network-id='Corda_Network2' --recipient='O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB' --param='t1:5'
    Note the pledge-id displayed after successful execution of the command, which will be used in next steps. Let's denote it <pledge-id> which is a hexadecimal string (pledge details can be cross checked using the commands CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer is-asset-pledged -pid <pledge-id> and CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer get-pledge-state -pid <pledge-id>).

  • Check the token asset balance for PartyA in Corda_Network by running the below command, and the output should not include the asset t1:5 issued earlier.

    CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-asset-states-by-type t1

  • Let PartyA claim in Corda_Network2 the tokens which are pledged in the Corda network Corda_Network by replacing <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value (claim issues the tokens in the destination/importing network):
    NETWORK_NAME='Corda_Network2' CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer claim-remote-asset --pledge-id='<pledge-id>' --locker='O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB' --transfer-category='token.corda' --export-network-id='Corda_Network' --param='t1:5' --import-relay-address='localhost:9082'
    (the linear-id, which is displayed after successful execution of the above command, can be used to check the newly issued tokens for PartyA in Corda_Network2 by running CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-state-using-linear-id <linear-id>; or simply check the token balance for PartyA by running the command CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-asset-states-by-type t1 which should output 5 tokens of type t1)

The above steps complete a successful asset transfer from the Corda network Corda_Network to the Corda network Corda_Network2. In addition to the above commands, following is an extra option.

  • Let PartyA in Corda_Network try re-claim the token t1:5 asset, which will succeed only if the asset was not claimed by PartyA in Corda_Network2 and the pledge has expired:
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer reclaim-pledged-asset --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --export-relay-address='localhost:9081' --transfer-category='token.corda' --import-network-id='Corda_Network2' --param='t1:5'

Transfer or recover bond (non-fungible) assets

Assume that the CorDapp cordaSimpleApplication has been deployed in both networks.

  • Navigate to the weaver/samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder in your clone of the Cacti repository.
  • Add a bond asset with id a10 and type bond01 to PartyA in Corda_Network:

    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients bond issue-asset 'a10' 'bond01'
    (check token balance for PartyA by running the command CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients bond get-assets-by-type 'bond01')

  • Let PartyA pledge these tokens in Corda_Network to be transferred to PartyA of Corda_Network2 (pledge burns the tokens in the source/exporting network):

    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer pledge-asset --timeout="3600" --import-network-id='Corda_Network2' --recipient='O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB' --param='bond01:a10'
    Note the pledge-id displayed after successful execution of the command, which will be used in next steps. Let's denote it <pledge-id> which is a hexadecimal string (pledge details can be cross checked using the commands CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer is-asset-pledged -pid <pledge-id> and CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer get-pledge-state -pid <pledge-id>).

  • Check the bond asset balance for PartyA in Corda_Network by running the below command, and the output should not include the asset bond01:a10 issued earlier.

    CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients bond get-assets-by-type 'bond01'`

  • Let PartyA in Corda_Network2 claim the bond asset which is pledged in the Corda network Corda_Network by replacing <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value (claim issues the bond asset in the destination/importing network):
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network2 CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer claim-remote-asset --pledge-id='<pledge-id>' --locker='O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB' --transfer-category='bond.corda' --export-network-id='Corda_Network' --param='bond01:a10' --import-relay-address='localhost:9082'
    (the linear-id, which is displayed after successful execution of the above command, can be used to check the newly issued bond asset for PartyA in Corda_Network2 by running CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients bond get-asset-by-linear-id <linear-id>; or simply check the bond asset balance for PartyA by running the command CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients bond get-assets-by-type 'bond01' which should output asset with id a10 and type bond01)

The above steps complete a successful asset transfer from the Corda network Corda_Network to the Corda network Corda_Network2. In addition to the above commands, following is an extra option.

  • Let PartyA in Corda_Network try re-claim the bond asset bond01:a10, which will succeed only if the asset was not claimed by PartyA and the pledge has expired:
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer reclaim-pledged-asset --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --export-relay-address='localhost:9081' --transfer-category='bond.corda' --import-network-id='Corda_Network2' --param='bond01:a10'

3. Fabric with Corda

A Fabric network transfers some tokens owned by Alice to PartyA (CORDA_PORT=10006) in a Corda network.

Transfer or recover token (fungible) assets

Assuming that the simpleassettransfer chaincode has been deployed in Fabric network network1, run the following steps related to Fabric by navigating to the samples/fabric/fabric-cli folder (the Go CLI doesn't support asset transfer yet).

Similarly, assuming that the CorDapp cordaSimpleApplication has been deployed in the Corda network Corda_Network, run the following steps related to Corda by navigating to the samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder.

  • Verify that alice in network1 owns 10000 tokens as follows:

    ./scripts/ network1 alice

  • Get alice in network1 to pledge 50 tokens to PartyA in Corda_Network as follows (with a 1 hour timeout):

    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network='network1' --dest-network='Corda_Network' --recipient='O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB' --expiry-secs=3600 --type='token' --units=50 --owner=alice --data-file=src/data/tokensForTransfer.json
    You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string).

  • Verify that alice in network1 owns 9950 tokens (after losing 50) as follows:

    ./scripts/ network1 alice

  • Let PartyA claim in Corda_Network the tokens which are pledged in the Fabric network network1 by replacing <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value (claim issues the tokens in the destination/importing network):

    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer claim-remote-asset --pledge-id='<pledge-id>' --locker='alice' --transfer-category='token.fabric' --export-network-id='network1' --param='token1:50' --import-relay-address='localhost:9081'
    (the linear-id, which is displayed after successful execution of the above command, can be used to check the newly issued tokens for PartyA in Corda_Network by running CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-state-using-linear-id <linear-id>; or simply check the token balance for PartyA by running the command CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-asset-states-by-type token1 which should output 50 tokens of type token1)

The above steps complete a successful asset transfer from the Fabric network network1 to the Corda network Corda_Network. Below demostrates re-claim of the tokens pledged in the Fabric network after the pledge expiry.

  • Now get alice in network1 to pledge 100 tokens to PartyA in Corda_Network as follows (with a 1 minute timeout):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network='network1' --dest-network='Corda_Network' --recipient='O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB' --expiry-secs=60 --type=token --units=100 --owner=alice --data-file=src/data/tokensForTransfer.json
    You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string).

Wait for a minute as follows:

sleep 60

  • Let PartyA in Corda_Network claim the tokens which are pledged in the Fabric network network1 by replacing <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value (claim issues the tokens in the destination/importing network):
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer claim-remote-asset --pledge-id='<pledge-id>' --locker='alice' --transfer-category='token.fabric' --export-network-id='network1' --param='token1:100' --import-relay-address='localhost:9080'
    This should fail as the pledge has already expired.

(check the token balance for PartyA by running the command CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-asset-states-by-type token1 which should still show 50 tokens of type token1 but not 150)

  • Now get alice in network1 to reclaim these tokens as follows:

    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer reclaim --source-network='network1' --user='alice' --type='token.corda' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:100

  • Verify that alice in network1 still owns 9950 tokens (after losing 50) as follows:

    ./scripts/ network1 alice

4. Corda with Fabric

A Corda network transfers some tokens owned by PartyA (CORDA_PORT=10006) to Alice in a Fabric network.

Transfer or recover token (fungible) assets

Assuming that the CorDapp cordaSimpleApplication has been deployed in the Corda network Corda_Network, run the following steps related to Corda by navigating to the samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder.

Similarly, assume that the simpleassettransfer chaincode has been deployed in Fabric network network1, run the following steps related to Fabric by navigating to the samples/fabric/fabric-cli folder (the Go CLI doesn't support asset transfer yet).

  • Add 5 tokens of type token1 to PartyA in Corda_Network:

    CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients issue-asset-state 5 token1
    (check token balance for PartyA by running the command CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-asset-states-by-type token1)

  • Let PartyA pledge (with a 1 hour timeout) these tokens in Corda_Network to be transferred to Alice of Fabric network network1 (pledge burns the tokens in the source/exporting network):

    CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer pledge-asset --fungible --timeout="3600" --import-network-id='network1' --recipient='alice' --param='token1:5'
    Note the pledge-id displayed after successful execution of the command, which will be used in next steps. Let's denote it <pledge-id> which is a hexadecimal string (pledge details can be cross checked using the commands CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer is-asset-pledged -pid <pledge-id> and CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer get-pledge-state -pid <pledge-id>).

  • Check the token asset balance for PartyA in Corda_Network by running the below command, and the output should not include the asset token1:5 issued earlier.

    CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-asset-states-by-type token1`

  • Verify that alice in network1 owns 10000 tokens as follows:

    ./scripts/ network1 alice

  • Get alice in network to claim these tokens as follows (replace <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value):

    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network='Corda_Network' --dest-network=network1 --user='alice' --owner='O=PartyA, L=London, C=GB' --type='token.corda' --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:5

  • Verify that alice in network now owns 1050 tokens as follows:

    ./scripts/ network1 alice

The above steps complete a successful asset transfer from the Corda network Corda_Network to the Fabric network network1. In addition to the above commands, following is an extra option.

  • Let PartyA in Corda_Network try re-claim the token token1:5 asset, which will succeed only if the asset was not claimed by alice in Fabric network and the pledge has expired (replace <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value):
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients transfer reclaim-pledged-asset --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --export-relay-address='localhost:9081' --transfer-category='token.fabric' --import-network-id='network1' --param='token1:5'