Update Aug 29th 2019: Hyperledger Composer has been deprecated. Please see the README for more information.

Binding an existing identity to a participant

Binding an existing identity to a participant

An existing identity can be issued to a participant using either the API or the command line. Once the existing identity has been bound, the identity can then be used by the participant to interact with the business network in the context of that participant.

When using Hyperledger Fabric, you can bind existing certificates that have been created by using the Hyperledger Fabric certificate authority (CA) or by using other tooling such as cryptogen. The existing certificates must be valid for use for submitting transactions on the Hyperledger Fabric network.

Before you start

Before you follow these steps, you must have added a participant to a participant registry. You must have an existing certificate in the PEM format to bind to the participant. The binder of the existing identity (whether using command line or using the Javascript APIs below) must have ACLs that permit them to bind the identity (to be associated with the participant) in Hyperledger Composer.

The procedure below shows an example using the following model of a participant from the Digital Property sample Business Network Definition: digitalproperty-network

namespace net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork

participant Person identified by personId {
  o String personId
  o String firstName
  o String lastName

The example assumes that an instance, net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork#mae@biznet.org, of that participant has been created and placed into a participant registry.


  1. Connect to the business network and bind an existing identity to a participant
    • JavaScript API
  const BusinessNetworkConnection = require('composer-client').BusinessNetworkConnection;

  async function bind() {
      let businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection();
      let certificate = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
            -----END CERTIFICATE-----`
       try { 
           await businessNetworkConnection.connect('admin@digitalPropertyNetwork');
           await businessNetworkConnection.bindIdentity('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.Person#mae@biznet.org', certificate);
           await businessNetworkConnection.disconnect();
       } catch(error) {

  • Command line

    composer identity bind -c admin@digitalPropertyNetwork -a "resource:net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.Person#mae@biznet.org" -e mae-pub.pem
  1. As the participant, test the connection to the business network
    • JavaScript API
  const BusinessNetworkConnection = require('composer-client').BusinessNetworkConnection;

  async function testConnection() {
      let businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection();

      try {
          await businessNetworkConnection.connect('admin@digitalPropertyNetwork');
          let result = await businessNetworkConnection.ping();
          console.log(`participant = ${result.participant ? result.participant : '<no participant found>'}`);
          await businessNetworkConnection.disconnect();
      } catch(error) {

  • Command line

    composer network ping -c admin@digitalPropertyNetwork

The participant ID will be printed to the console, and should match the participant ID that was specified in the composer identity bind command.