Update Aug 29th 2019: Hyperledger Composer has been deprecated. Please see the README for more information.

Hyperledger Composer Network Reset Command

Composer Network Reset

The composer network reset command deletes the contents of all the registries in the State Database. It is fast way for developers to reset the Business Network and remove test data.

IMPORTANT: Never use this command on a production or shared business network. It should only ever be used as a quick reset against a business network running locally on your machine for which you will not keep. Use this for your local development testing purposes only

composer network reset -c admin@example-network


  --help             Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version      Show version number  [boolean]
  --card, -c         The cardname to use to reset the network  [string] [required]


--card, -c

The business network card to use to reset the network.