Class: ChannelHeader


new ChannelHeader()

Channel header identifies the destination channel of the invocation request and the type of request etc.
Name Type Description
type number Any of the following:
  • MESSAGE = 0; // Used for messages which are signed but opaque
  • CONFIG = 1; // Used for messages which express the channel config
  • CONFIG_UPDATE = 2; // Used for transactions which update the channel config
  • ENDORSER_TRANSACTION = 3; // Used by the SDK to submit endorser based transactions
  • ORDERER_TRANSACTION = 4; // Used internally by the orderer for management
  • DELIVER_SEEK_INFO = 5; // Used as the type for Envelope messages submitted to instruct the Deliver API to seek
  • CHAINCODE_PACKAGE = 6; // Used for packaging chaincode artifacts for install
version number
timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The local time when the message was created by the submitter
channel_id string Identifier of the channel that this message bound for
tx_id string Unique identifier used to track the transaction throughout the proposal endorsement, ordering, validation and committing to the ledger
epoch number