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fftokens is a protocol that can be implemented by token connector runtimes in order to be usable by the fftokens plugin in FireFly.

The connector runtime must expose an HTTP and websocket server, along with a minimum set of HTTP APIs and websocket events. Each connector will be strongly coupled to a specific ledger technology and token standard(s), but no assumptions are made in the fftokens spec about what these technologies must be, as long as they can satisfy the basic requirements laid out here.

Note that this is an internal protocol in the FireFly ecosystem - application developers working against FireFly should never need to care about or directly interact with a token connector runtime. The audience for this document is only developers interested in creating new token connectors (or editing/forking existing ones).

Two implementations of this specification have been created to date (both based on common Ethereum token standards) - firefly-tokens-erc1155 and firefly-tokens-erc20-erc721.


This is the minimum set of APIs that must be implemented by a conforming token connector. A connector may choose to expose other APIs for its own purposes. All requests and responses to the APIs below are encoded as JSON. The APIs are currently understood to live under a /api/v1 prefix.

POST /createpool

Create a new token pool. The exact meaning of this is flexible - it may mean invoking a contract or contract factory to actually define a new set of tokens via a blockchain transaction, or it may mean indexing a set of tokens that already exists (depending on the options a connector accepts in config).

In a multiparty network, this operation will only be performed by one of the parties, and FireFly will broadcast the result to the others.

FireFly will store a "pending" token pool after a successful creation, but will replace it with a "confirmed" token pool after a successful activation (see below).


  "type": "fungible",
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "namespace": "default",
  "name": "FFCoin",
  "symbol": "FFC",
  "data": "pool-metadata",
  "requestId": "1",
  "config": {}
Parameter Type Description
type string enum The type of pool to create. Currently supported types are "fungible" and "nonfungible". It is recommended (but not required) that token connectors support both. Unrecognized/unsupported types should be rejected with HTTP 400.
signer string The signing identity to be used for the blockchain transaction, in a format understood by this connector.
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
name string (OPTIONAL) If supported by this token contract, this is a requested name for the token pool. May be ignored at the connector's discretion.
symbol string (OPTIONAL) If supported by this token contract, this is a requested symbol for the token pool. May be ignored at the connector's discretion.
requestId string (OPTIONAL) A unique identifier for this request. Will be included in the "receipt" websocket event to match receipts to requests.
data string (OPTIONAL) A data string that should be returned in the connector's response to this creation request.
config object (OPTIONAL) An arbitrary JSON object where the connector may accept additional parameters if desired. Each connector may define its own valid options to influence how the token pool is created.


HTTP 200: pool creation was successful, and the pool details are returned in the response.

See Response Types: Token Pool

HTTP 202: request was accepted, but pool will be created asynchronously, with "receipt" and "token-pool" events sent later on the websocket.

See Response Types: Async Request

POST /activatepool

Activate a token pool to begin receiving events. Generally this means the connector will create blockchain event listeners for transfer and approval events related to the set of tokens encompassed by this token pool.

In a multiparty network, this step will be performed by every member after a successful token pool broadcast. It therefore also serves the purpose of validating the broadcast info - if the connector does not find a valid pool given the poolLocator and config information passed in to this call, the pool should not get confirmed.


  "namespace": "default",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "poolData": "extra-pool-info",
  "config": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
poolData string (OPTIONAL) A data string that should be permanently attached to this pool and returned in all events.
config object (OPTIONAL) An arbitrary JSON object where the connector may accept additional parameters if desired. This should be the same config object that was passed when the pool was created.


HTTP 200: pool activation was successful, and the pool details are returned in the response.

See Response Types: Token Pool

HTTP 202: request was accepted, but pool will be activated asynchronously, with "receipt" and "token-pool" events sent later on the websocket.

See Response Types: Async Request

HTTP 204: activation was successful - no separate receipt will be delivered, but "token-pool" event will be sent later on the websocket.

No body

POST /deactivatepool

Deactivate a token pool to stop receiving events and delete all blockchain listeners related to that pool.


  "namespace": "default",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "poolData": "extra-pool-info",
  "config": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
poolData string (OPTIONAL) The data string that was attached to this pool at activation.
config object (OPTIONAL) An arbitrary JSON object where the connector may accept additional parameters if desired.


HTTP 204: deactivation was successful, and one or more listeners were deleted.

No body

HTTP 404: no blockchain listeners were found for the given pool information.

No body

POST /checkinterface

This is an optional (but recommended) API for token connectors. If implemented, support will be indicated by the presence of the interfaceFormat field in all Token Pool responses.

In the case that a connector supports multiple variants of a given token standard (such as many different ways to structure "mint" or "burn" calls on an underlying smart contract), this API allows the connector to be provided with a full description of the interface methods in use for a given token pool, so the connector can determine which methods it knows how to invoke.


  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "format": "abi",
  "methods": [
      "name": "burn",
      "type": "function",
      "inputs": [
          "internalType": "uint256",
          "name": "tokenId",
          "type": "uint256"
      "outputs": [],
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
Parameter Type Description
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
format string enum The format of the data in this payload. Should match the interfaceFormat as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
methods object array A list of all the methods available on the interface underpinning this token pool, encoded in the format specified by format.


HTTP 200: interface was successfully parsed, and methods of interest are returned in the body.

The response body includes a section for each type of token operation (burn/mint/transfer/approval), which specifies a subset of the input body useful to that operation. The caller (FireFly) can then store and provide the proper subset of the interface for every future token operation (via the interface parameter).

  "burn": {
    "format": "abi",
    "methods": [
        "name": "burn",
        "type": "function",
        "inputs": [
            "internalType": "uint256",
            "name": "tokenId",
            "type": "uint256"
        "outputs": [],
        "stateMutability": "nonpayable"
  "mint": { ... },
  "transfer": { ... },
  "approval": { ... }

POST /mint

Mint new tokens.


  "namespace": "default",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "to": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "amount": "10",
  "tokenIndex": "1",
  "uri": "ipfs://000000",
  "requestId": "1",
  "data": "transfer-metadata",
  "config": {},
  "interface": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
signer string The signing identity to be used for the blockchain transaction, in a format understood by this connector.
to string The identity to receive the minted tokens, in a format understood by this connector.
amount number string The amount of tokens to mint.
tokenIndex string (OPTIONAL) For non-fungible tokens that require choosing an index at mint time, the index of the specific token to mint.
uri string (OPTIONAL) For non-fungible tokens that support choosing a URI at mint time, the URI to be attached to the token.
requestId string (OPTIONAL) A unique identifier for this request. Will be included in the "receipt" websocket event to match receipts to requests.
data string (OPTIONAL) A data string that should be returned in the connector's response to this mint request.
config object (OPTIONAL) An arbitrary JSON object where the connector may accept additional parameters if desired. Each connector may define its own valid options to influence how the mint is carried out.
interface object (OPTIONAL) Details on interface methods that are useful to this operation, as negotiated previously by a /checkinterface call.


HTTP 202: request was accepted, but mint will occur asynchronously, with "receipt" and "token-mint" events sent later on the websocket.

See Response Types: Async Request

POST /burn

Burn tokens.


  "namespace": "default",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "from": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "amount": "10",
  "tokenIndex": "1",
  "requestId": "1",
  "data": "transfer-metadata",
  "config": {},
  "interface": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
signer string The signing identity to be used for the blockchain transaction, in a format understood by this connector.
from string The identity that currently owns the tokens to be burned, in a format understood by this connector.
amount number string The amount of tokens to burn.
tokenIndex string (OPTIONAL) For non-fungible tokens, the index of the specific token to burn.
requestId string (OPTIONAL) A unique identifier for this request. Will be included in the "receipt" websocket event to match receipts to requests.
data string (OPTIONAL) A data string that should be returned in the connector's response to this burn request.
config object (OPTIONAL) An arbitrary JSON object where the connector may accept additional parameters if desired. Each connector may define its own valid options to influence how the burn is carried out.
interface object (OPTIONAL) Details on interface methods that are useful to this operation, as negotiated previously by a /checkinterface call.


HTTP 202: request was accepted, but burn will occur asynchronously, with "receipt" and "token-burn" events sent later on the websocket.

See Response Types: Async Request

POST /transfer

Transfer tokens from one address to another.


  "namespace": "default",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "from": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "to": "0xb107ed9caa1323b7bc36e81995a4658ec2251951",
  "amount": "1",
  "tokenIndex": "1",
  "requestId": "1",
  "data": "transfer-metadata",
  "config": {},
  "interface": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
signer string The signing identity to be used for the blockchain transaction, in a format understood by this connector.
from string The identity to be used for the source of the transfer, in a format understood by this connector.
to string The identity to be used for the destination of the transfer, in a format understood by this connector.
amount number string The amount of tokens to transfer.
tokenIndex string (OPTIONAL) For non-fungible tokens, the index of the specific token to transfer.
requestId string (OPTIONAL) A unique identifier for this request. Will be included in the "receipt" websocket event to match receipts to requests.
data string (OPTIONAL) A data string that should be returned in the connector's response to this transfer request.
config object (OPTIONAL) An arbitrary JSON object where the connector may accept additional parameters if desired. Each connector may define its own valid options to influence how the transfer is carried out.
interface object (OPTIONAL) Details on interface methods that are useful to this operation, as negotiated previously by a /checkinterface call.


HTTP 202: request was accepted, but transfer will occur asynchronously, with "receipt" and "token-transfer" events sent later on the websocket.

See Response Types: Async Request

POST /approval

Approve another identity to manage tokens.


  "namespace": "default",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "operator": "0xb107ed9caa1323b7bc36e81995a4658ec2251951",
  "approved": true,
  "requestId": "1",
  "data": "approval-metadata",
  "config": {},
  "interface": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
signer string The signing identity to be used for the blockchain transaction, in a format understood by this connector.
operator string The identity to be approved (or unapproved) for managing the signer's tokens.
approved boolean Whether to approve (the default) or unapprove.
requestId string (OPTIONAL) A unique identifier for this request. Will be included in the "receipt" websocket event to match receipts to requests.
data string (OPTIONAL) A data string that should be returned in the connector's response to this approval request.
config object (OPTIONAL) An arbitrary JSON object where the connector may accept additional parameters if desired. Each connector may define its own valid options to influence how the approval is carried out.
interface object (OPTIONAL) Details on interface methods that are useful to this operation, as negotiated previously by a /checkinterface call.


HTTP 202: request was accepted, but approval will occur asynchronously, with "receipt" and "token-approval" events sent later on the websocket.

See Response Types: Async Request

Websocket Commands

In order to start listening for events on a certain namespace, the client needs to send the start command. Clients should send this command every time they connect, or after an automatic reconnect.

  "type": "start",
  "namespace": "default"

Websocket Events

A connector should expose a websocket at /api/ws. All emitted websocket events are a JSON string of the form:

  "id": "event-id",
  "event": "event-name",
  "data": {}

The event name will match one of the names listed below, and the data payload will correspond to the linked response object.

All events except the receipt event must be acknowledged by sending an ack of the form:

  "event": "ack",
  "data": {
    "id": "event-id"

Many messages may also be batched into a single websocket event of the form:

  "id": "event-id",
  "event": "batch",
  "data": {
    "events": [
        "event": "event-name",
        "data": {}

Batched messages must be acked all at once using the ID of the batch.


An asynchronous operation has completed.

See Response Types: Receipt


A new token pool has been created or activated.

See Response Types: Token Pool


Tokens have been minted.

See Response Types: Token Transfer


Tokens have been burned.

See Response Types: Token Transfer


Tokens have been transferred.

See Response Types: Token Transfer


Token approvals have changed.

See Response Types: Token Approval

Response Types

Async Request

Many operations may happen asynchronously in the background, and will return only a request ID. This may be a request ID that was passed in, or if none was passed, will be randomly assigned. This ID can be used to correlate with a receipt event later received on the websocket.

  "id": "b84ab27d-0d50-42a6-9c26-2fda5eb901ba"


  "headers": {
    "type": "",
    "requestId": ""
  "transactionHash": "",
  "errorMessage": ""
Parameter Type Description
headers.type string enum The type of this response. Should be "TransactionSuccess", "TransactionUpdate", or "TransactionFailed".
headers.requestId string The ID of the request to which this receipt should correlate.
transactionHash string The unique identifier for the blockchain transaction which generated this receipt.
errorMessage string (OPTIONAL) If this is a failure, contains details on the reason for the failure.

Token Pool

  "namespace": "default",
  "type": "fungible",
  "data": "pool-metadata",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "standard": "ERC20",
  "interfaceFormat": "abi",
  "symbol": "FFC",
  "decimals": 18,
  "info": {},
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "blockchain": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
type string enum The type of pool that was created.
data string A copy of the data that was passed in on the creation request.
poolLocator string A string to identify this pool, generated by the connector. Must be unique for each pool created by this connector. Will be passed back on all operations within this pool, and may be packed with relevant data about the pool for later usage (such as the address and type of the pool).
standard string (OPTIONAL) The name of a well-defined token standard to which this pool conforms.
interfaceFormat string enum (OPTIONAL) If this connector supports the /checkinterface API, this is the interface format to be used for describing the interface underpinning this pool. Must be "abi" or "ffi".
symbol string (OPTIONAL) The symbol for this token pool, if applicable.
decimals number (OPTIONAL) The number of decimals used for balances in this token pool, if applicable.
info object (OPTIONAL) Additional information about the pool. Each connector may define the format for this object.
signer string (OPTIONAL) If this operation triggered a blockchain transaction, the signing identity used for the transaction.
blockchain object (OPTIONAL) If this operation triggered a blockchain transaction, contains details on the blockchain event in FireFly's standard blockchain event format.

Token Transfer

Note that mint and burn operations are just specialized versions of transfer. A mint will omit the "from" field, while a burn will omit the "to" field.

  "namespace": "default",
  "id": "1",
  "data": "transfer-metadata",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "poolData": "extra-pool-info",
  "from": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "to": "0xb107ed9caa1323b7bc36e81995a4658ec2251951",
  "amount": "1",
  "tokenIndex": "1",
  "uri": "ipfs://000000",
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "blockchain": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
id string An identifier for this transfer. Must be unique for every transfer within this pool.
data string A copy of the data that was passed in on the mint/burn/transfer request. May be omitted if the token contract does not support a method of attaching extra data (will result in reduced ability for FireFly to correlate the inputs and outputs of the transaction).
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
poolData string The extra data associated with the pool at pool activation.
from string The identity used for the source of the transfer.
to string The identity used for the destination of the transfer.
amount number string The amount of tokens transferred.
tokenIndex string (OPTIONAL) For non-fungible tokens, the index of the specific token transferred.
uri string (OPTIONAL) For non-fungible tokens, the URI attached to the token.
signer string (OPTIONAL) If this operation triggered a blockchain transaction, the signing identity used for the transaction.
blockchain object (OPTIONAL) If this operation triggered a blockchain transaction, contains details on the blockchain event in FireFly's standard blockchain event format.

Token Approval

  "namespace": "default",
  "id": "1",
  "data": "transfer-metadata",
  "poolLocator": "id=F1",
  "poolData": "extra-pool-info",
  "operator": "0xb107ed9caa1323b7bc36e81995a4658ec2251951",
  "approved": true,
  "subject": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A:0xb107ed9caa1323b7bc36e81995a4658ec2251951",
  "info": {},
  "signer": "0x0Ef1D0Dd56a8FB1226C0EaC374000B81D6c8304A",
  "blockchain": {}
Parameter Type Description
namespace string The namespace of the token pool
id string An identifier for this approval. Must be unique for every approval within this pool.
data string A copy of the data that was passed in on the approval request. May be omitted if the token contract does not support a method of attaching extra data (will result in reduced ability for FireFly to correlate the inputs and outputs of the transaction).
poolLocator string The locator of the pool, as supplied by the output of the pool creation.
poolData string The extra data associated with the pool at pool activation.
operator string The identity that was approved (or unapproved) for managing tokens.
approved boolean Whether this was an approval or unapproval.
subject string A string identifying the scope of the approval, generated by the connector. Approvals with the same subject are understood replace one another, so that a previously-recorded approval becomes inactive. This string may be a combination of the identities involved, the token index, etc.
info object (OPTIONAL) Additional information about the approval. Each connector may define the format for this object.
signer string (OPTIONAL) If this operation triggered a blockchain transaction, the signing identity used for the transaction.
blockchain object (OPTIONAL) If this operation triggered a blockchain transaction, contains details on the blockchain event in FireFly's standard blockchain event format.