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See FireFly Interface Format


    "id": "c35d3449-4f24-4676-8e64-91c9e46f06c4",
    "message": "e4ad2077-5714-416e-81f9-7964a6223b6f",
    "namespace": "ns1",
    "name": "SimpleStorage",
    "description": "A simple example contract in Solidity",
    "version": "v0.0.1",
    "methods": [
            "id": "8f3289dd-3a19-4a9f-aab3-cb05289b013c",
            "interface": "c35d3449-4f24-4676-8e64-91c9e46f06c4",
            "name": "get",
            "namespace": "ns1",
            "pathname": "get",
            "description": "Get the current value",
            "params": [],
            "returns": [
                    "name": "output",
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "integer",
                        "details": {
                            "type": "uint256"
            "details": {
                "stateMutability": "viewable"
            "id": "fc6f54ee-2e3c-4e56-b17c-4a1a0ae7394b",
            "interface": "c35d3449-4f24-4676-8e64-91c9e46f06c4",
            "name": "set",
            "namespace": "ns1",
            "pathname": "set",
            "description": "Set the value",
            "params": [
                    "name": "newValue",
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "integer",
                        "details": {
                            "type": "uint256"
            "returns": [],
            "details": {
                "stateMutability": "payable"
    "events": [
            "id": "9f653f93-86f4-45bc-be75-d7f5888fbbc0",
            "interface": "c35d3449-4f24-4676-8e64-91c9e46f06c4",
            "namespace": "ns1",
            "pathname": "Changed",
            "signature": "Changed(address,uint256)",
            "name": "Changed",
            "description": "Emitted when the value changes",
            "params": [
                    "name": "_from",
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "details": {
                            "type": "address",
                            "indexed": true
                    "name": "_value",
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "integer",
                        "details": {
                            "type": "uint256"
    "published": false

Field Descriptions

Field Name Description Type
id The UUID of the FireFly interface (FFI) smart contract definition UUID
message The UUID of the broadcast message that was used to publish this FFI to the network UUID
namespace The namespace of the FFI string
name The name of the FFI - usually matching the smart contract name string
networkName The published name of the FFI within the multiparty network string
description A description of the smart contract this FFI represents string
version A version for the FFI - use of semantic versioning such as 'v1.0.1' is encouraged string
methods An array of smart contract method definitions FFIMethod[]
events An array of smart contract event definitions FFIEvent[]
errors An array of smart contract error definitions FFIError[]
published Indicates if the FFI is published to other members of the multiparty network bool


Field Name Description Type
id The UUID of the FFI method definition UUID
interface The UUID of the FFI smart contract definition that this method is part of UUID
name The name of the method string
namespace The namespace of the FFI string
pathname The unique name allocated to this method within the FFI for use on URL paths. Supports contracts that have multiple method overrides with the same name string
description A description of the smart contract method string
params An array of method parameter/argument definitions FFIParam[]
returns An array of method return definitions FFIParam[]
details Additional blockchain specific fields about this method from the original smart contract. Used by the blockchain plugin and for documentation generation. JSONObject


Field Name Description Type
name The name of the parameter. Note that parameters must be ordered correctly on the FFI, according to the order in the blockchain smart contract string
schema FireFly uses an extended subset of JSON Schema to describe parameters, similar to OpenAPI/Swagger. Converters are available for native blockchain interface definitions / type systems - such as an Ethereum ABI. See the documentation for more detail JSONAny


Field Name Description Type
id The UUID of the FFI event definition UUID
interface The UUID of the FFI smart contract definition that this event is part of UUID
namespace The namespace of the FFI string
pathname The unique name allocated to this event within the FFI for use on URL paths. Supports contracts that have multiple event overrides with the same name string
signature The stringified signature of the event, as computed by the blockchain plugin string
name The name of the event string
description A description of the smart contract event string
params An array of event parameter/argument definitions FFIParam[]
details Additional blockchain specific fields about this event from the original smart contract. Used by the blockchain plugin and for documentation generation. JSONObject


Field Name Description Type
name The name of the parameter. Note that parameters must be ordered correctly on the FFI, according to the order in the blockchain smart contract string
schema FireFly uses an extended subset of JSON Schema to describe parameters, similar to OpenAPI/Swagger. Converters are available for native blockchain interface definitions / type systems - such as an Ethereum ABI. See the documentation for more detail JSONAny


Field Name Description Type
id The UUID of the FFI error definition UUID
interface The UUID of the FFI smart contract definition that this error is part of UUID
namespace The namespace of the FFI string
pathname The unique name allocated to this error within the FFI for use on URL paths string
signature The stringified signature of the error, as computed by the blockchain plugin string
name The name of the error string
description A description of the smart contract error string
params An array of error parameter/argument definitions FFIParam[]


Field Name Description Type
name The name of the parameter. Note that parameters must be ordered correctly on the FFI, according to the order in the blockchain smart contract string
schema FireFly uses an extended subset of JSON Schema to describe parameters, similar to OpenAPI/Swagger. Converters are available for native blockchain interface definitions / type systems - such as an Ethereum ABI. See the documentation for more detail JSONAny