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FireFly Transactions are a grouping construct for a number of Operations and Events that need to complete or fail as unit.

FireFly Transactions are not themselves Blockchain transactions, but in many cases there is exactly one Blockchain transaction associated with each FireFly transaction. Exceptions include unpinned transactions, where there is no blockchain transaction at all.

The Blockchain native transaction ID is stored in the FireFly transaction object when it is known. However, the FireFly transaction starts before a Blockchain transaction exists - because reliably submitting the blockchain transaction is one of the operations that is performed inside of the FireFly transaction.

The below screenshot from the FireFly Explorer nicely illustrates how multiple operations and events are associated with a FireFly transaction. In this example, the transaction tracking is pinning of a batch of messages stored in IPFS to the blockchain.

So there is a Blockchain ID for the transaction - as there is just one Blockchain transaction regardless of how many messages in the batch. There are operations for the submission of that transaction, and the upload of the data to IPFS. Then a corresponding Blockchain Event Received event for the detection of the event from the blockchain smart contract when the transaction was mined, and a Message Confirmed event for each message in the batch (in this case 1). Then here the message was a special Definition message that advertised a new Contract API to all members of the network - so there is a Contract API Confirmed event as well.

FireFly Transactions - Explorer View

Each FireFly transaction has a UUID. This UUID is propagated through to all participants in a FireFly transaction. For example in a Token Transfer that is coordinated with an off-chain private Message, the transaction ID is propagated to all parties who are part of that transaction. So the same UUID can be used to find the transaction in the FireFly Explorer of any member who has access to the message. This is possible because hash-pinned off-chain data is associated with that on-chain transfer.

However, in the case of a raw ERC-20/ERC-721 transfer (without data), or any other raw Blockchain transaction, the FireFly transaction UUID cannot be propagated - so it will be local on the node that initiated the transaction.


    "id": "4e7e0943-4230-4f67-89b6-181adf471edc",
    "namespace": "ns1",
    "type": "contract_invoke",
    "created": "2022-05-16T01:23:15Z",
    "blockchainIds": [

Field Descriptions

Field Name Description Type
id The UUID of the FireFly transaction UUID
namespace The namespace of the FireFly transaction string
type The type of the FireFly transaction FFEnum:
created The time the transaction was created on this node. Note the transaction is individually created with the same UUID on each participant in the FireFly transaction FFTime
idempotencyKey An optional unique identifier for a transaction. Cannot be duplicated within a namespace, thus allowing idempotent submission of transactions to the API IdempotencyKey
blockchainIds The blockchain transaction ID, in the format specific to the blockchain involved in the transaction. Not all FireFly transactions include a blockchain. FireFly transactions are extensible to support multiple blockchain transactions string[]