Routing Requests to the Correct Tenant
- Status: accepted
- Deciders: Yurii Shynbuiev,David Poltorak, Benjamin Voiturier, Shailesh Patil
- Date: [2023-05-09]
- Tags: multi-tenant, routing, message
Context and Problem Statement
The Cloud Agent in multi-tenancy is still a single agent running, however, some of the resources are now shared between the tenants of the agent. Each tenant has their own keys, with their own DIDs, connections. Transports and most of the settings are still shared between agents. All the API endpoints are same from outside
Multi-tenancy, message routing can be used to ensure that messages are delivered only to the intended recipient or tenants, and not to unauthorized tenants.
Backend services: Cloud Agent use PostgreSQL. Authentication and authorization
sequenceDiagram autonumber actor H as Holder(DidComm) actor T as Tenant(Issuer) participant A as CloudAgent participant W as Wallet participant DB as Database[did <- tenantId] T->>A: Register Tenant activate A A->>W: Create wallet activate W note over W: Each Tenant has his own wallet where keys and dids are stored W-->>A: tenantId deactivate W note over T, A: Subsequent requests include JWT header activate DB note over DB: did -> tenantId or did -> walletId T->>A: Create PeerDID[JWT Header] A->>A: authorised token extract tenantID alt JWT validation A-->>T: 200 OK & JWT else No user A-->>T: 401 Unauthorized end T-->>A: If authorised Create PeerDID A-->>DB: Update [DID(PeerDID) -> tenantID] A->>H: send DIDCOMM message to holder did deactivate DB deactivate A activate H H->>A: DIDCOMMV2 message to Agent(did) A-->>DB:lookup to Agent DID identify tenantId A-->>A:decrypt message deactivate H