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Cross-Platform Edge SDK Verification


  1. A working Identus Mediator and an Identus Cloud Agent.
  2. A holder who already has a JWT Credential issued by a known issuer (prism:did) [Holder A]
  3. A holder who does not have credentials but aims to start the Verification [Holder B (verifier)]
  4. Holder A shares its peerDID with holder B.
  5. Holder B will initiate a presentation request


Please follow the Quick started guide to complete steps 1, 2, 3


NOTE: It follows the Identity Foundation Presentation-exchange V2 protocol

Claims can be

export type PredicateType = string | number
export type InputFieldFilter = {
type: string,
pattern?: string,
enum?: PredicateType[],
const?: PredicateType[],
value?: PredicateType
export type Claims = {
[name: string]: InputFieldFilter


  1. Holder B Initiates the Presentation Request: creating a PresentationDefinitionRequest with specified requirements.
  2. Holder A, will then create a Presentation Submission which contains the requested credential together with a randomised challenge.
  3. Holder B, will receive the Presentation Submission and verify the following
    • Holder A signed the JWT presentation with the correct signatures.
    • Holder A signed the random challenge that required him to have the correct keys.
    • Holder A is including a credentials it owns and not somebody else's.
    • Holder A is includes a credential with valid signatures, matching the issuer through the specified DID.
    • (optional) Holder A has included a credential that the requested issuer has issued.
    • (optional) Holder A has included a credential that satisfies the requested claims.
  4. Holder B can then verify at any point in time that presentation request and show feedback in UI.

Code Reference

  • toDID is the peer did of holder A, which has the credential that we aim to verify
  • claims contain an object with all the claims we aim to validate; setting claims is internally used to help Holder A choose the proper credential and correctly verify the fields when Holder B receives the presentation.


const claims: Claims = {
email: {
type: 'string', pattern:''
const options:PresentationClaims = {
issuer: Domain.DID.fromString("did:peer:12345"),
claims: claims

  • The Edge Agent Verifier (SDK) will then send the Presentation Request to the desired holder
  • The Edge Agent Holder will be asked to choose what credential wants to be used for that Presentation Request
  • The Edge Agent Verifier (SDK) will then receive and validate the Credential as follows


//Presentation is the message sent by the holder back to the verifier
const message = SDK.Presentation.fromMessage(message);