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A connection is a stateful relationship between two parties that enables secure communication.

The Connection protocol is required to establish secure connections between agents, allowing them to exchange information and interact.


The connection protocol has two roles:

  1. Inviter: A subject that initiates a connection request by sending a connection invitation.
  2. Invitee: A subject that receives a connection invitation and accepts it by sending a connection request.


  1. Inviter and Invitee Cloud Agents up and running

Cloud Agent endpoints overview

The protocol uses the following REST API endpoints:

  1. /connections:
    • POST: Creates a new connection and returns an invitation
    • GET: Returns a list of connections
  2. GET /connections/{connectionId}: Returns an existing connection record by id
  3. POST /connection-invitations: Accepts an externally received invitation

Please check the full Cloud Agent API specification for more detailed information.

Inviter Flow

  1. Generate and share a new Out-of-Band (OOB) invitation (connection gets created in InvitationGenerated state)
  2. Receive a connection request from the Invitee (connection moves to ConnectionRequestReceived state)
  3. Accept the connection request (connection moves to ConnectionResponsePending state)
  4. Send the connection response via the DIDComm Agent (connection achieves ConnectionResponseSent state)

The following diagram represents the Inviter's Connection state transitions:

Invitee Flow

  1. Receive the OOB invitation (InvitationReceived state)
  2. Accept the invitation (connection is created in ConnectionRequestPending state)
  3. Send the connection request via DIDComm (connection achieves ConnectionRequestSent state)
  4. Receive the connection response (connection achieves ConnectionResponseReceived state)

The following diagram represents the Invitee's Connection state transitions:

Sequence diagram

The following diagram shows the end-to-end flow for establishing a connection between an inviter and an invitee.

Command line example

The following example demonstrates how you could use two Cloud Agent APIs to set up a connection between them.

Inviter creates an invitation

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8080/cloud-agent/connections' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "apikey: $API_KEY" \
-d '{ "label": "Connect with Alice" }' | jq

Example response:

"connectionId": "1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"createdAt": "2023-02-02T17:14:13.593647Z",
"invitation": {
"from": "did:peer:inviter-did",
"id": "1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"invitationUrl": "{RAW_INVITATION}",
"type": ""
"kind": "/connections/1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"label": "Connect with Alice",
"self": "Connection",
"state": "InvitationGenerated"

Invitee accepts OOB invitation

Replace {RAW_INVITATION} with the value of the '_oob' query string parameter from the invitation URL above

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8090/cloud-agent/connection-invitations' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "apikey: $API_KEY" \
-d '{ "invitation": "{RAW_INVITATION}" }' | jq

Example response:

"connectionId": "755a457a-878e-4292-a3f2-cb83601f802e",
"createdAt": "2023-02-02T18:05:58Z",
"invitation": {
"from": "did:peer:inviter-did",
"id": "1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"invitationUrl": "{RAW_INVITATION}",
"type": ""
"kind": "/connections/755a457a-878e-4292-a3f2-cb83601f802e",
"myDid": "did:peer:invitee-did",
"self": "Connection",
"state": "ConnectionRequestPending",
"theirDid": "did:peer:inviter-did",
"updatedAt": "2023-02-02T18:05:59Z"

Invitee retrieves the list of connections

curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8090/cloud-agent/connections' \
-H "apikey: $API_KEY" | jq

Example output:

"contents": [
"connectionId": "755a457a-878e-4292-a3f2-cb83601f802e",
"createdAt": "2023-02-02T18:05:58Z",
"invitation": {
"from": "did:peer:issuer-did",
"id": "1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"invitationUrl": "{RAW_INVITATION}",
"type": ""
"kind": "/connections/755a457a-878e-4292-a3f2-cb83601f802e",
"myDid": "did:peer:holder-did",
"self": "Connection",
"state": "ConnectionResponseReceived",
"theirDid": "did:peer:issuer-did",
"updatedAt": "2023-02-02T18:06:14Z"
"kind": "Collection",
"self": "/collections"

Inviter retrieves the list of connections

curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8080/cloud-agent/connections' \
-H "apikey: $API_KEY" | jq

Example response:

"contents": [
"connectionId": "1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"createdAt": "2023-02-02T17:14:13Z",
"invitation": {
"from": "did:peer:issuer-did",
"id": "1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"invitationUrl": "{RAW_INVITATION}",
"type": ""
"kind": "/connections/1893e207-4cba-4792-8179-067c78d2acc2",
"label": "Connect with Alice",
"myDid": "did:peer:issuer-did",
"self": "Connection",
"state": "ConnectionResponseSent",
"theirDid": "did:peer:holder-did",
"updatedAt": "2023-02-02T18:06:16Z"
"kind": "Collection",
"self": "/collections"

Please check the full Cloud Agent API specification for more detailed information.