Ed25519Public Key
Represents an Ed25519 public key.
This class implements the PublicKey, VerifiableKey, StorableKey, and ExportableKey interfaces.
The native value of the public key.
The specification of the key.
This variable represents the restoration identifier for a key. It is a unique identifier used for restoring the key from storage.
Represents the storable data of a key.
The type of the key, which is KeyTypes.EC.
Returns an instance of the key curve for this private key
Returns the encoded raw value into base 64 url
Searches the value based on the input key, if it exists
Evaluates if this key implements DerivableKey
Evaluates if this key implements ExportableKey
Evaluates if this key implements ImportableKey
Evaluates if this key implements SignableKey
Retrieves the JWK (JSON Web Key) representation of the private key with the specified key identifier (kid).