Package-level declarations


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class InvitationRunner(mercury: Mercury, url: Url)

The InvitationRunner class is responsible for running the invitation process by parsing the out-of-band URL, unpacking the message, and returning the unpacked message object.

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Represents a sealed class for different types of invitations.

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class OutOfBandInvitation constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val body: OutOfBandInvitation.Body, val from: String, val type: ProtocolType = ProtocolType.Didcomminvitation, val typ: String? = null, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor> = arrayOf(), val createdTime: Long = 0, val expiresTime: Long = 0) : InvitationType

Represents an out-of-band invitation message in the DIDComm protocol. The OutOfBandInvitation class represents an out-of-band invitation message in the DIDComm protocol.

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The OutOfBandParser class is responsible for parsing out-of-band messages.

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data class PrismOnboardingInvitation constructor(val onboardEndpoint: String, fromString: String, var from: DID? = null, val type: String) : InvitationType

Represents an onboarding invitation for PRISM.