data class DID @JvmOverloads constructor(val schema: String = DID, val method: String, val methodId: String, val alias: String? = null)(source)

A DID is a unique and persistent identifier for a subject or object, such as a person, organization, or device. It is created and managed using a specific DID method, and consists of a schema, method, and method ID. The schema indicates the type of DID (e.g. "did"), the method indicates the specific interface or process used to resolve and manage the DID (e.g. "prism"), and the method ID is a unique identifier within the DID method. As specified in the W3C DID standards.


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constructor(string: String)

Constructor overload for creating a DID object based on a String.

constructor(schema: String = DID, method: String, methodId: String, alias: String? = null)


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object Companion


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val alias: String? = null
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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of the DID object.