Package-level declarations


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data class AnoncredsInputFieldFilter(val type: String, val name: String, val gt: Any? = null, val gte: Any? = null, val lt: Any? = null, val lte: Any? = null)
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interface Api

Interface that defines an API request

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open class ApiImpl(var client: HttpClient) : Api

Implementation of API interface for http requests.

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A class representing a known error in an Apollo.

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The AttachmentData interface represents a generic attachment for a DIDComm Message. Any type that conforms to AttachmentData can be used as an attachment.

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The AttachmentDataSerializer is responsible for serializing and deserializing instances of AttachmentData.

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data class AttachmentDescriptor @JvmOverloads constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val mediaType: String? = null, val data: AttachmentData, val filename: Array<String>? = null, val format: String? = null, val lastModTime: String? = null, val byteCount: Int? = null, val description: String? = null)

The AttachmentDescriptor data class represents metadata for a DIDComm attachment.

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A class representing a known error in a Castor.

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class Claim(val key: String, val value: ClaimType)

Represents a claim in a verifiable credential.

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A sealed class representing different types of claims.

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A class representing a common error in a PRISM.

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data class CompressedPublicKey(val uncompressed: PublicKey, val value: ByteArray)

Represents a compressed public key and its uncompressed version.

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interface Credential

Represents a verifiable credential that contains information about an entity or identity.

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data class CredentialIssueOptions(val type: CredentialType, val linkSecret: String? = null)

Represents the options for issuing credentials.

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Enum class representing different types of verifiable credentials. The CredentialType is used to indicate the type of verifiable credential. The possible values of the enum are jwt, w3c, and unknown.

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Enumeration representing supported key curves.

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data class DID @JvmOverloads constructor(val schema: String = DID, val method: String, val methodId: String, val alias: String? = null)

A DID is a unique and persistent identifier for a subject or object, such as a person, organization, or device. It is created and managed using a specific DID method, and consists of a schema, method, and method ID. The schema indicates the type of DID (e.g. "did"), the method indicates the specific interface or process used to resolve and manage the DID (e.g. "prism"), and the method ID is a unique identifier within the DID method. As specified in the W3C DID standards.

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data class DIDDocument(val id: DID, val coreProperties: Array<DIDDocumentCoreProperty>)

Represents a DIDDocument with DID and DIDDocumentCoreProperty As specified in w3 standards A DID Document consists of a DID, public keys, authentication protocols, service endpoints, and other metadata. It is used to verify the authenticity and identity of the DID, and to discover and interact with the associated subjects or objects.

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Represents a Core Property in a DID Document. This allows for extensibility of the properties. As specified in w3 standards

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data class DIDPair(val holder: DID, val receiver: DID, val name: String?)

Represents a pair of DIDs, typically used for secure communication or delegation of capabilities or services.

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interface DIDResolver

The DIDResolver protocol defines the interface for resolving DID document using a specific DID method. Implementations of this interface provide a resolve method that can be used to retrieve the DID document for a given DID.

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data class DIDUrl @JvmOverloads constructor(val did: DID, val path: Array<String>? = arrayOf(), val parameters: Map<String, String>? = mapOf(), val fragment: String? = null)

Represents a DIDUrl with "did", "path", "parameters", "fragment" As specified in w3 standards

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interface Error

An interface that represents a base error in the Prism SDK.

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data class HttpResponse(val status: Int, val jsonString: JsonString)

Represents an HTTP response.

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data class InputFieldFilter constructor(val type: String, val pattern: String? = null, val enum: List<Any>? = null, val const: List<Any>? = null, val value: Any? = null)
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Custom serializer for InputFieldFilter. Used to serialized List contained by InputFieldFilter.

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typealias JsonString = String

Alias for a JSON string.

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interface JWTPayload
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data class JWTPresentationClaims(val schema: String? = null, val issuer: String? = null, val claims: Map<String, InputFieldFilter>) : PresentationClaims
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data class JWTVerifiableCredential constructor(val context: Array<String> = arrayOf(), val type: Array<String> = arrayOf(), val credentialSchema: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val credentialSubject: Map<String, String>, val credentialStatus: JWTVerifiableCredential.CredentialStatus? = null, val refreshService: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val evidence: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val termsOfUse: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null)

A struct representing the verifiable credential in a JWT credential payload.

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data class JWTVerifiablePresentation(val context: Array<String>, val type: Array<String>, val verifiableCredential: Array<String>)
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data class KeyCurve constructor(val curve: Curve, val index: Int? = 0)

Data class representing supported key curves for key generation.

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data class KeyValue(val key: String, val value: String)

Represents a key-value pair.

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abstract class KnownPrismError constructor(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : Throwable, Error

A class representing a known error in a PRISM.

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data class Mediator(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val mediatorDID: DID, val hostDID: DID, val routingDID: DID)

Mediator is a data class that represents a mediator entity. It contains the mediator's ID, mediator DID, host DID, and routing DID.

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A class representing a known error in a Mercury.

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data class Message @JvmOverloads constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val piuri: String, val from: DID? = null, val to: DID? = null, val fromPrior: String? = null, val body: String, val extraHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val createdTime: String =, val expiresTimePlus: String =, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor> = arrayOf(), val thid: String? = null, val pthid: String? = null, val ack: Array<String>? = emptyArray(), val direction: Message.Direction = Direction.RECEIVED)

The Message data class represents a DIDComm message, which is used for secure, decentralized communication in the Atala PRISM architecture. A Message object includes information about the sender, recipient, message body, and other metadata. Message objects are typically exchanged between DID controllers using the Mercury building block.

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data class NonRevoked(val from: Long, val to: Long)
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data class PeerDID(val did: DID, val privateKeys: Array<out PrivateKey>)

Represents a PeerDID, which is used as a unique and persistent identifier for a subject or object. It consists of a DID and an array of PrivateKeys.

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actual object Platform

The Platform object represents the platform on which the code is running.

expect object Platform

The Platform class provides information about the current platform.

actual object Platform
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Represents the type of platform.

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A class representing a known error in a Pluto.

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A class representing a known error in a Pollux.

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sealed interface PresentationClaims
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data class PrismDIDInfo(val did: DID, val keyPathIndex: Int? = 0, val alias: String? = null)

A data class representing a conjunction of DID, keyPathIndex and alias.

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data class PublicKey(val curve: KeyCurve, val value: ByteArray)

Represents a public key with a specific key curve and value.

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data class RequestedAttributes(val name: String, val names: Set<String>, val restrictions: Map<String, String>, val nonRevoked: NonRevoked?)
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data class RequestedPredicates(val name: String, val pType: String, val pValue: Int, val restrictions: Map<String, String>, val nonRevoked: NonRevoked?)
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data class Secret(val id: String, val type: SecretType, val secretMaterial: SecretMaterialJWK)

Represents a secret, which is a piece of secret material and its type.

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data class SecretMaterialJWK(val value: String)

Represents a secret material in the form of a JSON Web Key (JWK).

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interface SecretResolver

Interface for resolving secrets by their ID.

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Represents a type of secret.

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data class Seed(val value: ByteArray)

Represents a seed used for key generation.

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data class SeedWords(val mnemonics: Array<String>, val seed: Seed)

Represents a set of seed words along with the corresponding seed object.

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data class Session @JvmOverloads constructor(val uuid: <Error class: unknown class> = UUID.randomUUID(), val seed: Seed)

Represents a session between two entities.

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data class Signature(val value: ByteArray)

Represents a digital signature.

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Represents a storable credential that can be stored and retrieved from a storage system.

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abstract class UnknownError constructor(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : UnknownPrismError

A class representing an unknown error if the error received does not conform to the KnownPrismError, it will be classified as an UnknownPrismError.

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abstract class UnknownPrismError constructor(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : Throwable, Error

A class representing an unknown error in a PRISM.

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Interface for objects representing verifiable credentials.

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A data class representing a container for verifiable credential types. This data class is used to encode and decode verifiable credential types for use with JSON. The VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer contains properties for the ID and type of the verifiable credential. ::: info The VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer is used to encode and decode verifiable credential types for use with JSON. :::


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Retrieves the direction of a message based on the given value.

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actual fun httpClient(config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient

Creates an HTTP client with the specified configuration.

expect fun httpClient(config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit = {}): HttpClient

Creates a new instance of HttpClient with the given configuration.

actual fun httpClient(config: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient