
data class Message @JvmOverloads constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val piuri: String, val from: DID? = null, val to: DID? = null, val fromPrior: String? = null, val body: String, val extraHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val createdTime: String =, val expiresTimePlus: String =, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor> = arrayOf(), val thid: String? = null, val pthid: String? = null, val ack: Array<String>? = emptyArray(), val direction: Message.Direction = Direction.RECEIVED)(source)

The Message data class represents a DIDComm message, which is used for secure, decentralized communication in the Atala PRISM architecture. A Message object includes information about the sender, recipient, message body, and other metadata. Message objects are typically exchanged between DID controllers using the Mercury building block.


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constructor(id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), piuri: String, from: DID? = null, to: DID? = null, fromPrior: String? = null, body: String, extraHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), createdTime: String =, expiresTimePlus: String =, attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor> = arrayOf(), thid: String? = null, pthid: String? = null, ack: Array<String>? = emptyArray(), direction: Message.Direction = Direction.RECEIVED)


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object Companion
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Enumeration representing the direction of a message.


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@SerialName(value = "created_time")
val createdTime: String
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@SerialName(value = "expires_time_plus")
val expiresTimePlus: String
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@SerialName(value = "extra_headers")
val extraHeaders: Map<String, String>
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val from: DID? = null
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val pthid: String? = null
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val thid: String? = null
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val to: DID? = null


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

The equals method compares this Message object with another object for equality.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Calculates the hash code for the Message object. The hash code is calculated based on the values of the object's id, piuri, from, to, fromPrior, body, extraHeaders, createdTime, expiresTimePlus, attachments, thid, pthid, and ack properties. If any of these properties is null, it is treated as 0 in the calculation.

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Creates a backup message object using the provided properties.

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Converts the current object to a JSON string representation.