
class BackUpMessage constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val piuri: String, val from: DID? = null, val to: DID? = null, val fromPrior: String? = null, val body: String, val extraHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val createdTime: Long? = null, val expiresTime: Long? = null, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor> = arrayOf(), val thid: String? = null, val pthid: String? = null, val ack: Array<String>? = emptyArray(), val direction: Message.Direction = Message.Direction.RECEIVED)(source)

The BackUpMessage class represents a backup message that contains various properties such as ID, PIURI, from, to, fromPrior, body, extraHeaders, createdTime, expiresTime, attachments, thid, pthid, ack, and direction.

This class provides methods to convert the BackUpMessage object to a Message object.


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constructor(id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), piuri: String, from: DID? = null, to: DID? = null, fromPrior: String? = null, body: String, extraHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), createdTime: Long? = null, expiresTime: Long? = null, attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor> = arrayOf(), thid: String? = null, pthid: String? = null, ack: Array<String>? = emptyArray(), direction: Message.Direction = Message.Direction.RECEIVED)


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The acknowledgements of the backup message as an array of string values.

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The attachments of the backup message as an array of AttachmentDescriptor objects.

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@Serializable(with = PlutoRestoreTask.BackUpMessage.JsonAsStringSerializer::class)
val body: String

The body of the backup message.

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@Serializable(with = PlutoRestoreTask.BackUpMessage.EpochSecondsSerializer::class)
@SerialName(value = "created_time")
val createdTime: Long? = null

The timestamp of when the backup message was created, represented as a string of epoch seconds.

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@Serializable(with = PlutoRestoreTask.BackUpMessage.DirectionSerializer::class)
val direction: Message.Direction

The direction of the backup message, represented by the Message.Direction enum class.

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@Serializable(with = PlutoRestoreTask.BackUpMessage.EpochSecondsSerializer::class)
@SerialName(value = "expires_time_plus")
val expiresTime: Long? = null

The timestamp of when the backup message expires, represented as a string of epoch seconds.

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@SerialName(value = "extra_headers")
val extraHeaders: Map<String, String>

Additional headers of the backup message as a key-value map.

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@Serializable(with = PlutoRestoreTask.BackUpMessage.DIDMessageSerializer::class)
val from: DID? = null

The sender of the backup message represented by a DID (Decentralized Identifier).

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The previous DID of the sender, if any.

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The ID of the backup message. If not provided, a random UUID will be generated.

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The PIURI (Public Identifier Universal Resource Identifier) of the backup message.

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val pthid: String? = null

The parent thread ID of the backup message, if any.

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val thid: String? = null

The thread ID of the backup message, if any.

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@Serializable(with = PlutoRestoreTask.BackUpMessage.DIDMessageSerializer::class)
val to: DID? = null

The recipient of the backup message represented by a DID (Decentralized Identifier).


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Converts the current object to a Message object.