Package-level declarations

Pluto is a powerful and flexible data storage interface library for working with decentralized identifiers. Whether you are building a decentralized application that requires secure and private data storage or working with a more traditional system that requires reliable and redundant storage for your DID-related data, Pluto provides the tools and features you need to do the job with ease.

A Secure DID Data Storage Interface Library

Pluto is a versatile and secure data storage interface library that provides developers with an easy way to store, manage, and recover verifiable data linked to decentralized identifiers (DIDs). Pluto is designed to be storage-agnostic. It can be used with many storage systems, from traditional databases to decentralized storage networks.

Pluto supports a range of storage operations, including DID storage (including DIDPair), private key secure storage, DIDComm message storage, and mediator storage. This allows developers to easily store and manage a wide range of DID-related data, from basic identity information to more complex message and mediation records.

The default implementation of Pluto includes a secure and robust storage backend that uses Core Data and Keychain to secure sensitive items. This means that developers can easily leverage the robust security features of these frameworks without having to write complex code to manage the storage of sensitive data.

With Pluto, developers can easily store and manage verifiable data linked to DIDs securely and privately. Pluto provides a range of advanced security features, including support for private key storage and encryption and support for multiple storage backends for added redundancy and resilience.

Pluto also supports a range of DID-related data types, including DIDPairs, which store the public and private keys associated with a DID, and DIDComm messages, which store the encrypted messages sent and received between DIDs.


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Represents the backup version.

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class CredentialRecovery(val restorationId: String, val credentialData: ByteArray, val revoked: Boolean)

Class representing a credential recovery object.

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open class PlutoBackupTask(pluto: Pluto)

PlutoBackupTask class is responsible for running the backup task for the Pluto instance.

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class PlutoImpl(connection: DbConnection) : Pluto

PlutoImpl is a class that provides an implementation of the Pluto interface for interacting with the database.

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open class PlutoRestoreTask(castor: Castor, pluto: Pluto, backup: BackupV0_0_1)

Represents a task for restoring data in Pluto.

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The RestorationID enum class represents different types of restoration IDs. Each restoration ID has a corresponding value.