
class PlutoImpl(connection: DbConnection) : Pluto(source)

PlutoImpl is a class that provides an implementation of the Pluto interface for interacting with the database.


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constructor(connection: DbConnection)


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isConnected indicates whether the connection to the database is currently established or not.


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Retrieves all credentials for credential recovery.

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open override fun getAllDidPairs(): Flow<List<DIDPair>>

Retrieves all the pairs of DIDs stored in the system.

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open override fun getAllDIDs(): Flow<List<DID>>

Retrieves all DIDs.

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Retrieves all the keys for backup.

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open override fun getAllMediators(): Flow<List<Mediator>>

Returns a Flow of lists of Mediator objects representing all the available mediators.

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open override fun getAllMessages(): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all the messages.

open override fun getAllMessages(did: DID): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all messages based on the provided DID.

open override fun getAllMessages(from: DID, to: DID): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all messages exchanged between the specified 'from' and 'to' DIDs.

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open override fun getAllMessagesByType(type: String): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all the messages of the provided type.

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open override fun getAllMessagesOfType(type: String, relatedWithDID: DID?): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all messages of a specific type that are related to a given DID.

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open override fun getAllMessagesReceived(): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all messages received by the user.

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open override fun getAllMessagesReceivedFrom(did: DID): Flow<List<Message>>

Returns a Flow of lists of all messages received from the specified DID.

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open override fun getAllMessagesSent(): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all the messages that have been sent.

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open override fun getAllMessagesSentTo(did: DID): Flow<List<Message>>

Retrieves all messages sent to the specified DID.

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open override fun getAllPeerDIDs(): Flow<List<PeerDID>>

Retrieves all PeerDIDs.

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open override fun getAllPrismDIDs(): Flow<List<PrismDIDInfo>>

Retrieves all PrismDIDs and their associated information.

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Retrieves a list of all private keys.

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open override fun getAvailableClaimsByClaim(claim: String): Flow<Array<AvailableClaims>>

Retrieves the available claims for a given claim.

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open override fun getAvailableClaimsByCredentialId(credentialId: String): Flow<Array<AvailableClaims>>

Retrieves the available claims for a given credential ID.

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open override fun getCredentialMetadata(linkSecretName: String): Flow<CredentialRequestMeta?>

Retrieves the metadata associated with a credential request.

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open override fun getDIDInfoByAlias(alias: String): Flow<List<PrismDIDInfo>>

Retrieves the PrismDIDInfo objects associated with a given alias.

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open override fun getDIDInfoByDID(did: DID): Flow<PrismDIDInfo?>

Retrieves the PrismDIDInfo associated with a given DID.

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Retrieves the private key associated with a given ID.

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Retrieves a list of private keys associated with a given DID.

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open override fun getLinkSecret(): Flow<String?>

Retrieves the secret link associated with the current instance.

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open override fun getMessage(id: String): Flow<Message?>

Retrieves the message with the specified ID.

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open override fun getMessageByThidAndPiuri(thid: String, piuri: String): Flow<Message?>

Retrieves the message with the specified thid.

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open override fun getPairByDID(did: DID): Flow<DIDPair?>

Retrieves a DIDPair object using the provided DID.

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open override fun getPairByName(name: String): Flow<DIDPair?>

Retrieve a DIDPair from a flow by its name.

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open override fun getPrismDIDKeyPathIndex(did: DID): Flow<Int?>

Retrieves the key path index associated with a given Prism DID.

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open override fun getPrismLastKeyPathIndex(): Flow<Int>

Retrieves the last key path index associated with the Prism DID.

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open override fun insertAvailableClaim(credentialId: String, claim: String)

Inserts an available claim for a specific credential.

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open override fun insertAvailableClaims(credentialId: String, claims: Array<String>)

Inserts the available claims for a given credential ID.

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Provides a flow to listen for revoked credentials.

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open override fun revokeCredential(credentialId: String)

Revokes an existing credential using the credential ID.

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open suspend override fun start(context: Any?)

Starts the database service.

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fun stop()

Closes the connection to the database.

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open override fun storeCredential(storableCredential: StorableCredential)

Stores a credential in the system.

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open override fun storeCredentialMetadata(name: String, metadata: CredentialRequestMeta)
open override fun storeCredentialMetadata(name: String, linkSecretName: String, json: String)

Stores the metadata associated with a credential request.

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open override fun storeDIDPair(host: DID, receiver: DID, name: String)

Stores a pair of Distributed Identifier (DID) and a receiver DID with a given name.

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open override fun storeLinkSecret(linkSecret: String)

Stores a link secret in the system.

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open override fun storeMediator(mediator: DID, host: DID, routing: DID)

Stores a mediator in the system.

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open override fun storeMessage(message: Message)

Stores a message in the system.

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open override fun storeMessages(messages: List<Message>)

Stores a list of messages in the system.

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open override fun storePeerDID(did: DID)

Stores the PeerDID in the system.

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open override fun storePrismDIDAndPrivateKeys(did: DID, keyPathIndex: Int?, alias: String?, privateKeys: List<StorableKey>)

Stores the Prism DID, key path index, alias, and private keys.

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open override fun storePrivate(sorableKey: StorableKey, recoveryId: String)

Stores a private key with its recovery ID.

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open override fun storePrivateKeys(storableKey: StorableKey, did: DID, keyPathIndex: Int?, metaId: String?)

Stores the private key along with additional information.