
data class DIDDocument(val id: DID, val coreProperties: Array<DIDDocumentCoreProperty>)(source)

Represents a DIDDocument with DID and DIDDocumentCoreProperty As specified in w3 standards A DID Document consists of a DID, public keys, authentication protocols, service endpoints, and other metadata. It is used to verify the authenticity and identity of the DID, and to discover and interact with the associated subjects or objects.


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constructor(id: DID, coreProperties: Array<DIDDocumentCoreProperty>)


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data class AlsoKnownAs(val values: Array<String>) : DIDDocumentCoreProperty

Represents a "also known as" property, which is a list of alternative names or identifiers for a Decentralized Identifier (DID) or other subject or object. The "also known as" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to associate the DID or subject or object with other names or identifiers.

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data class AssertionMethod(val urls: Array<String>, val verificationMethods: Array<DIDDocument.VerificationMethod>) : DIDDocumentCoreProperty

Represents an "assertion method" property, which is a list of URIs and Verification Methods that can be used to assert the authenticity of a message or credential associated with a DID or other subject or object. The "assertion method" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to verify the authenticity of messages or credentials related to the DID or subject or object.

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data class Authentication(val urls: Array<String>, val verificationMethods: Array<DIDDocument.VerificationMethod>) : DIDDocumentCoreProperty

Represents an "authentication" property, which is a list of URIs and Verification Methods that can be used to authenticate the associated DID or subject or object. The "authentication" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to verify the identity of the DID or subject or object.

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Represents a "capability delegation" property, which is a list of URIs and Verification Methods that can be used to delegate a specific capability or service provided by a DID or other subject or object to another subject or object. The "capability delegation" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to delegate a specific capability or service provided by the DID or subject or object.

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Represents a "capability invocation" property, which is a list of URIs and Verification Methods that can be used to invoke a specific capability or service provided by a DID or other subject or object. The "capability invocation" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to invoke a specific capability or service provided by the DID or subject or object.

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data class Controller(val values: Array<DID>) : DIDDocumentCoreProperty

Represents a "controller" property, which is a list of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) that control the associated DID or subject or object. The "controller" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to indicate who has the authority to update or deactivate the DID or subject or object.

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data class KeyAgreement(val urls: Array<String>, val verificationMethods: Array<DIDDocument.VerificationMethod>) : DIDDocumentCoreProperty

Represents a "key agreement" property, which is a list of URIs and Verification Methods that can be used to establish a secure communication channel with a DID or other subject or object. The "key agreement" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to establish a secure communication channel with the DID or subject or object.

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data class Service(val id: String, val type: Array<String>, val serviceEndpoint: DIDDocument.ServiceEndpoint) : DIDDocumentCoreProperty

Represents a Service, which is a capability or endpoint offered by a Decentralized Identifier (DID) or other subject or object. A Service consists of an ID, type, and service endpoint, as well as optional metadata such as a priority and a description. It is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to discover and interact with the associated DID or subject or object.

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data class ServiceEndpoint constructor(val uri: String, val accept: Array<String>? = arrayOf(), val routingKeys: Array<String>? = arrayOf())

Represents a service endpoint, which is a URI and other information that indicates how to access the service.

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Represents a "services" property, which is a list of Services associated with a Decentralized Identifier (DID) or other subject or object. The "services" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to discover and interact with the associated DID or subject or object.

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data class VerificationMethod constructor(val id: DIDUrl, val controller: DID, val type: String, val publicKeyJwk: Map<String, String>? = null, val publicKeyMultibase: String? = null)

Represents a Verification Method, which is a public key or other evidence used to authenticate the identity of a Decentralized Identifier (DID) or other subject or object. A Verification Method consists of a type (indicating the type of key or evidence), a public key or other data, and optional metadata such as a controller (the DID that controls the verification method) and purpose (the intended use of the verification method). It is typically included in a DID Document or other authentication credential.

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Represents a "verification methods" property, which is a list of Verification Methods associated with a Decentralized Identifier (DID) or other subject or object. The "verification methods" property is typically included in a DID Document and can be used to authenticate the identity of the DID or subject or object.


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val id: DID
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Overrides the equals method to compare two instances of DIDDocument.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Calculates the hash code for the DIDDocument object.