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A class representing an invalid derivation path error.

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class InvalidIndex(message: String) : ApolloError

Represents an error that occurs when an invalid index is provided.

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A class representing an invalid JSON Web Key (JWK) error in the PRISM SDK.

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class InvalidKeyCurve(invalidCurve: String) : ApolloError

Represents an error that occurs when an invalid key curve is provided.

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class InvalidKeyType(invalidType: String) : ApolloError

Represents an error that occurs when an invalid key type is used.

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Represents an error that occurs due to invalid raw data.

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Represents an error that occurs when restoration fails due to no identifier or invalid identifier.


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open override val code: Int?
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open override val errorDescription: String?
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open val message: String?
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open override val underlyingErrors: Array<Error>?