Error using the local Playground

Errors deploying a business network to a local fabric using the Hyperledger Composer Playground

When deploying a business network to an instance of Hyperledger Fabric by using a locally installed Hyperledger Composer Playground, you may encounter the following error:

Error: error trying to list instantiated chaincodes. Error: chaincode error (status 500, message: Authorization for GETCHAINCODES on channel getchaincodes has been denied with error Failed verifying that proposal's creator satisfies local MSP principal during channelless check policy with policy [Admins]:[This identity is not an admin])

Once this error has occurred, you must delete your local browser storage to restore normal function. Please note: Deleting local browser storage will delete your connection profile and identities in your wallet.

What causes the error

The error occurs if both the identity you are using to deploy the business network does not have network-level access control, and the instance of Hyperledger Fabric does not have a deployed business network with the name org-acme-biznet.

Fixes for the error

If you attempt to deploy a network using an identity which does not have network-level access control, and the instance of Hyperledger Fabric does not have a business network called org-acme-biznet deployed, you must delete your local browser storage. This will delete the connection profile and the identities.

How to avoid the error

When using the a local instance of the Hyperledger Composer Playground to deploy a business network to a local Hyperledger Fabric instance, you must use an identity which has network-level access control. If an identity without network-level access control is used, there must be a business network with the name org-acme-biznet deployed to the instance of Hyperledger Fabric being used.