

<constant> CLIENT

CLIENT indicates that an identity is acting as a client


HFAFFILIATIONMGR is a boolean attribute that allows an identity to manage affiliations

<constant> HFGENCRL

HFGENCRL is an attribute that allows an identity to generate a CRL


HFINTERMEDIATECA is a boolean attribute that allows an identity to enroll as an intermediate CA


HFREGISTRARATTRIBUTES is an attribute that has a list of attributes that the registrar is allowed to register for an identity


HFREGISTRARDELEGATEROLES is an attribute that allows a registrar to give the roles specified to a registree for its 'hf.Registrar.Roles' attribute


HFREGISTRARROLES is an attribute that allows a registrar to manage identities of the specified roles

<constant> HFREVOKER

HFREVOKER is a boolean attribute that allows an identity to revoker a user and/or certificates

<constant> jsSHA3

Implement hash primitives.

<constant> ORDERER

ORDERER indicates that an identity is acting as an orderer

<constant> PEER

PEER indicates that an identity is acting as a peer

<constant> USER

USER indicates that an identity is acting as a user



Convert from a bitArray to bytes (refer to SJCL's codec)
Name Type Description
arr Array.<number> a bitArray to convert from
the bytes converted from the bitArray


Convert from bytes to a bitArray (refer to SJCL's codec)
Name Type Description
bytes Array.<number> a bytes to convert from
the bitArray converted from bytes

loadConfigGroup(config_items, versions, group, name, org, top)

utility method to load in a config group
Name Type Description
config_items Object holder of values found in the configuration
versions Object
group Object used for recursive calls
name string used to help with the recursive calls
org string Organizational name
top bool to handle the differences in the structure of groups
  • /protos/common/configtx.proto


utility method to load in a config value
  • /protos/common/configtx.proto
  • /protos/msp/mspconfig.proto
  • /protos/orderer/configuration.proto
  • /protos/peer/configuration.proto

package(chaincodePath, chaincodeType, devmode, metadataPath)

Utility function to package a chaincode. The contents will be returned as a byte array.
Name Type Description
chaincodePath string required - String of the path to location of the source code of the chaincode
chaincodeType string String of the type of chaincode ['golang', 'node', 'car', 'java'] (default 'golang')
devmode boolean Set to true to use chaincode development mode
metadataPath string Optional. The path to the top-level directory containing metadata descriptors
A promise for the data as a byte array

toEnvelope(signature, proposal_bytes)

convert proposal.proto:SignedProposal to be common.proto:Envelope
Name Type Description

Type Definitions


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string Required. The affiliation path to create
caname string Optional. Name of the CA to send the request to within the Fabric CA server
force boolean Optional.
  • For create affiliation request, if any of the parent affiliations do not exist and 'force' is true, create all parent affiliations also.
  • For delete affiliation request, if force is true and there are any child affiliations or any identities are associated with this affiliation or child affiliations, these identities and child affiliations will be deleted; otherwise, an error is returned.
  • For update affiliation request, if any identities are associated with this affiliation, 'force' is true causes these identities' affiliations to be renamed; otherwise, an error is returned.


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string The name of the attribute to include in the certificate
optional boolean throw an error if the identity does not have the attribute


An object of a fully decoded protobuf message "Block".

A Block may contain the configuration of the channel or transactions on the channel.

A Block object will have the following object structure.
	number -- {int}
	previous_hash -- {byte[]}
	data_hash -- {byte[]}
	data -- {array}
		signature -- {byte[]}
			header -- {Header}
			data -- {ConfigEnvelope | Transaction}
	metadata -- {array} #each array item has it's own layout
			signatures -- {MetadataSignature[]}
				index -- {number}
				signatures -- {MetadataSignature[]}
				{int[]} #see TxValidationCode in proto/peer/transaction.proto
  • Object

Get the block number:

var block_num = block.header.number;

Get the number of transactions, including the invalid transactions:

var block_num =;

Get the Id of the first transaction in the block:

var tx_id =[0].payload.header.channel_header.tx_id;


  • Object
Name Type Description
height number How many blocks exist on the channel's ledger
currentBlockHash Array.<byte> A block hash is calculated by hashing over the concatenated ASN.1 encoded bytes of: the block number, previous block hash, and current block data hash. It's the chain of the block hashs that guarantees the immutability of the ledger
previousBlockHash Array.<byte> The block hash of the previous block.


  • Object
Name Type Description
status string Value is 'SUCCESS' or a descriptive error string
info string Optional. Additional information about the status


  • Object
Name Type Description
chaincode_id string The name of chaincode that sourced this event.
tx_id string The transaction ID of this event.
event_name string The string that is the event_name of this event as set by the chaincode during endorsement. stub.SetEvent(event_name, payload)
payload Array.<byte> Application-specific byte array that the chaincode set when it called stub.SetEvent(event_name, payload)


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string
version string
path string the path as specified by the install/instantiate transaction
input string the chaincode function upon instantiation and its arguments. This will be blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes.
escc string the name of the ESCC for this chaincode. This will be blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes.
vscc string the name of the VSCC for this chaincode. This will be blank if the query is returning information about installed chaincodes.


  • Object
Name Type Description
targets Array.<Peer> | Array.<string> Optional. An array of Peer objects or peer names where the chaincode will be installed. When excluded, the peers assigned to this client's organization will be used as defined in the common connection profile. If the 'channelNames' property is included, the target peers will be based the peers defined in the channels.
chaincodePath string Required. The path to the location of the source code of the chaincode. If the chaincode type is golang, then this path is the fully qualified package name, such as ''
metadataPath string Optional. The path to the top-level directory containing metadata descriptors.
chaincodeId string Required. Name of the chaincode
chaincodeVersion string Required. Version string of the chaincode, such as 'v1'
chaincodePackage Array.<byte> Optional. Byte array of the archive content for the chaincode source. The archive must have a 'src' folder containing subfolders corresponding to the 'chaincodePath' field. For instance, if the chaincodePath is '', then the archive must contain a folder 'src/', where the chaincode source code resides.
chaincodeType string Optional. Type of chaincode. One of 'golang', 'car', 'node' or 'java'. Default is 'golang'.
channelNames Array.<string> | string Optional. When no targets are provided. The loaded common connection profile will be searched for suitable target peers. Peers that are defined in the channels named by this property and in this client's organization and that are in the endorsing or chain code query role on the named channel will be selected.
txId TransactionID Optional. TransactionID object for this request.


  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
targets Array.<Peer> | Array.<string> Optional. An array of endorsing Peer objects or peer names as the targets of the request. When this parameter is omitted the target list will include peers assigned to this channel instance that are in the endorsing role.
chaincodeType string Optional. Type of chaincode. One of 'golang', 'car', 'java' or 'node'. Default is 'golang'. Note that 'java' is not yet supported.
chaincodeId string Required. The name of the chaincode
chaincodeVersion string Required. Version string of the chaincode, such as 'v1'
txId TransactionID Required. Object with the transaction id and nonce
collections-config string Optional. The path to the collections config. More details can be found at this tutorial
transientMap object <optional>
Optional. Object with String property names and Buffer property values that can be used by the chaincode but not saved in the ledger. Data such as cryptographic information for encryption can be passed to the chaincode using this technique. Data that is to be kept in a private data store (a collection) should be passed to the chaincode in the transientMap.
fcn string Optional. The function name to be returned when calling stub.GetFunctionAndParameters() in the target chaincode. Default is 'init'; to pass in no function name, explicitly pass in fcn with a value of null or '' (empty string).
args Array.<string> Optional. Array of string arguments to pass to the function identified by the fcn value.
endorsement-policy Object Optional. EndorsementPolicy object for this chaincode (see examples below). If not specified, a default policy of "a signature by any member from any of the organizations corresponding to the array of member service providers" is used. WARNING: The default policy is NOT recommended for production, because this allows an application to bypass the proposal endorsement and send a manually constructed transaction, with arbitrary output in the write set, to the orderer directly. The user context assigned to the client instance that creates the signature will allow the transaction to be successfully validated and committed to the ledger.

Endorsement policy: "Signed by any member from one of the organizations"

  identities: [
    { role: { name: "member", mspId: "org1" }},
    { role: { name: "member", mspId: "org2" }}
  policy: {
    "1-of": [{ "signed-by": 0 }, { "signed-by": 1 }]

Endorsement policy: "Signed by admin of the ordererOrg and any member from one of the peer organizations"

  identities: [
    { role: { name: "member", mspId: "peerOrg1" }},
    { role: { name: "member", mspId: "peerOrg2" }},
    { role: { name: "admin", mspId: "ordererOrg" }}
  policy: {
    "2-of": [
      { "signed-by": 2},
      { "1-of": [{ "signed-by": 0 }, { "signed-by": 1 }]}


An endorsement proposal, which includes the name of the chaincode to be invoked and the arguments to be passed to the chaincode.

A "ChaincodeInvocationSpec" has the following object structure.
	type -- {int}
		path -- {string}
		name -- {string}
		version -- {string}
		args -- {byte[][]}
		decorations -- {map of string to byte[]}
	timeout -- {int}
  • Object


This object contains many properties that will be used by the Discovery service.
  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
targets Array.<Peer> | Array.<string> Optional. The peers that will receive this request, when not provided the list of peers added to this channel object will be used. When this channel has been initialized using the discovery service the proposal will be sent to the peers on the list provided discovery service if no targets are specified.
chaincodeId string Required. The id of the chaincode to process the transaction proposal
endorsement_hint DiscoveryChaincodeIntereset Optional. A of DiscoveryChaincodeInterest object that will be used by discovery service to calculate an appropriate endorsement plan. The parameter is only required when the endorsement will be preformed by a chaincode that will call other chaincodes or if the endorsement should be made by only peers within a collection or collections.
txId TransactionID Optional. TransactionID object with the transaction id and nonce. txId is required for sendTransactionProposal and optional for generateUnsignedProposal
transientMap object <optional>
Optional. Object with String property names and Buffer property values that can be used by the chaincode but not saved in the ledger. Data such as cryptographic information for encryption can be passed to the chaincode using this technique. Data that is to be kept in a private data store (a collection) should be passed to the chaincode in the transientMap.
fcn string Optional. The function name to be returned when calling stub.GetFunctionAndParameters() in the target chaincode. Default is 'invoke'
args Array.<string> An array of string arguments specific to the chaincode's 'Invoke' method
required Array.<string> Optional. An array of strings that represent the names of peers that are required for the endorsement. These will be the only peers which the proposal will be sent. This list only applies to endorsements using the discovery service. This property is used by the DiscoveryEndorsementHandler.
ignore Array.<string> Optional. An array of strings that represent the names of peers that should be ignored by the endorsement. This list only applies to endorsements using the discovery service. This property is used by the DiscoveryEndorsementHandler.
preferred Array.<string> Optional. An array of strings that represent the names of peers that should be given priority by the endorsement. Priority means that these peers will be chosen first for endorsements when an endorsement plan has more peers in a group then needed to satisfy the endorsement policy. This list only applies to endorsements using the discovery service. This property is used by the DiscoveryEndorsementHandler.
requiredOrgs Array.<string> Optional. An array of strings that represent the names of an organization's MSP id that are required for the endorsement. Only peers in these organizations will be sent the proposal. This list only applies to endorsements using the discovery service. This property is used by the DiscoveryEndorsementHandler.
ignoreOrgs Array.<string> Optional. An array of strings that represent the names of an organization's MSP id that should be ignored by the endorsement. This list only applies to endorsements using the discovery service. This property is used by the DiscoveryEndorsementHandler.
preferredOrgs Array.<string> Optional. An array of strings that represent the names of an organization's MSP id that should be given priority by the endorsement. Peers within an organization may have their ledger height considered using the optional property preferredHeightGap before being added to the priority list. This list only applies to endorsements using the discovery service. This property is used by the DiscoveryEndorsementHandler.
preferredHeightGap Number Optional. An integer representing the maximum difference in the block height of a peer and the highest block height found in a group of peers within an endorsement plan allowed to be a preferred peer. A peer will not be given priority if it's block height is less than the highest block height by an amount greater than this value. There is no default, if this value is not provided the block height of the peer will not be considered when being added to the preferred list. This list only applies to endorsements using the discovery service. This property is used by the DiscoveryEndorsementHandler.
sort string Optional. A string value that indicates how the peers within groups should be chosen. "ledgerHeight", sort the peers descending by the number of blocks on the channel ledger. "random", pull the peers randomly from the list, the preferred will be pulled first. The default will be to sort by ledger height.


  • Object
Name Type Description
targets Array.<Peer> Optional. The peers that will receive this request, when not provided the list of peers added to this channel object will be used.
chaincodeId string Required. The id of the chaincode to process the transaction proposal
transientMap object Optional. Object with String property names and Buffer property values that can be used by the chaincode but not saved in the ledger. Data such as cryptographic information for encryption can be passed to the chaincode using this technique. Data that is to be kept in a private data store (a collection) should be passed to the chaincode in the transientMap.
fcn string Optional. The function name to be returned when calling stub.GetFunctionAndParameters() in the target chaincode. Default is 'invoke'
args Array.<string> An array of string arguments specific to the chaincode's 'Invoke' method
request_timeout integer The timeout value to use for this request
txId TransactionID Optional. Transaction ID to use for the query.


  • Object
Name Type Description
chaincodes Array.<ChaincodeInfo>


The configuration settings that govern how the fabric should maintain a channel are included in the blocks of the channel itself. When a block contains the channel configuration, the channel configuration record is the only item in the block's data array. Every block, including the configuration blocks themselves, has a pointer to the latest configuration block, making it easy to query for the latest channel configuration settings.

A channel configuration record will have the following object structure.
version -- {int}
mod_policy -- {string}
		version -- {int}
			<orderer_org_name> -- {OrganizationConfigGroup}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
					type -- {string}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
					max_message_count -- {int}
					absolute_max_bytes -- {int}
					preferred_max_bytes -- {int}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
					timeout -- {duration}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
					max_count -- {int}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
				policy -- {ImplicitMetaPolicy}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
				policy -- {ImplicitMetaPolicy}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
				policy -- {ImplicitMetaPolicy}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
				policy -- {SignaturePolicy}
		version -- {int}
			<peer_org_name> -- {OrganizationConfigGroup}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
				policy -- {ImplicitMetaPolicy}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
				policy -- {ImplicitMetaPolicy}
				version -- {int}
				mod_policy -- {string}
				policy -- {ImplicitMetaPolicy}
		version -- {int}
		mod_policy -- {string}
			addresses -- {array}
				{string - host:port}
		version -- {int}
		mod_policy -- {string}
			name -- {string}
		version -- {int}
		mod_policy -- {string}
			width -- {int}
		version -- {int}
		mod_policy -- {string}
			name -- {string}
  • Object
Name Type Description
groups.Orderer.groups.<orderer_org_name> OrganizationConfigGroup These are the orderer organizatoin names defined on the network
groups.Application.groups.<peer_org_name> OrganizationConfigGroup These are the peer organization names defined on the network
policy ImplicitMetaPolicy These policies point to other policies and specify a threshold as in "ANY", "MAJORITY" or "ALL"


  • Object
Name Type Description
channel_id string


  • Object
Name Type Description
endorsingPeer boolean Optional. This peer may be sent transaction proposals for endorsements. The peer must have the chaincode installed. The app can also use this property to decide which peers to send the chaincode install request. Default: true
chaincodeQuery boolean Optional. This peer may be sent transaction proposals meant only as a query. The peer must have the chaincode installed. The app can also use this property to decide which peers to send the chaincode install request. Default: true
ledgerQuery boolean Optional. This peer may be sent query proposals that do not require chaincodes, like queryBlock(), queryTransaction(), etc. Default: true
eventSource boolean Optional. This peer may be the target of a event listener registration? All peers can produce events, but the appliatiion typically only needs to connect to one. Default: true
discover boolean Optional. This peer may be the target of service discovery. Default: true


  • Object
Name Type Description
channels Array.<ChannelInfo>


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string Required. The name of the new channel
orderer Orderer | string Required. An Orderer object or an orderer name representing the orderer node to send the channel create request
envelope Array.<byte> Optional. Bytes of the envelope object containing all required settings and signatures to initialize this channel. This envelope would have been created by the command line tool configtxgen or configtxlator
config Array.<byte> Optional. Protobuf ConfigUpdate object extracted from a ConfigEnvelope created by the configtxgen tool. See extractChannelConfig(). The ConfigUpdate object may also be created by the configtxlator tool.
signatures Array.<ConfigSignature> | Array.<string> Required. The list of signatures required by the channel creation or update policy when using the `config` parameter.
txId TransactionID Required. TransactionID object with the transaction id and nonce


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string
maxPeerCount number integer
requiredPeerCount number integer
blockToLive Long | number | string | Object param will be converted to unsigned int64 as Long
memberOnlyRead boolean denotes whether only collection member clients can read the private data


  • Object
Name Type Description
chaincodeId string Required. Name of the chaincode
target string | Peer Optional. The peer that will receive this request, when not provided the first peer in this channel object will be used.


  • Object
Name Type Description
type string The collection type
name string the name of the collection inside the denoted chaincode
required_peer_count number The minimum number of peers private data will be sent to upon endorsement. The endorsement would fail if dissemination to at least this number of peers is not achieved.
maximum_peer_count number The maximum number of peers that private data will be sent to upon endorsement. This number has to be bigger than required_peer_count.
block_to_live number The number of blocks after which the collection data expires. For instance if the value is set to 10, a key last modified by block number 100 will be purged at block number 111. A zero value is treated same as MaxUint64, where the data will not be purged.
member_read_only boolean The member only read access denotes whether only collection member clients can read the private data (if set to true), or even non members can read the data (if set to false, for example if you want to implement more granular access logic in the chaincode)
policy Policy The "member_orgs_policy" policy


A ConfigEnvelope contains the channel configurations data and is the main content of a configuration block. Another type of blocks are those that contain endorser transactions, where the main content is an array of Transaction.

A "ConfigEnvelope" will have the following object structure.
	sequence -- {int}
	channel_group -- {ConfigGroup}
	type -- {int}
	signature -- {byte[]}
		header -- {Header}
		data -- {ConfigUpdateEnvelope}
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
signature_header Array.<byte> Encoded bytes of a SignatureHeader
signature Array.<byte> Encoded bytes of the signature over the concatenation of the signatureHeader bytes and config bytes


An object of a protobuf message "ConfigUpdateEnvelope".

A "ConfigUpdateEnvelope" will have the following object structure.
	channel_id -- {string}
	read_set -- {ChannelConfigGroup}
	write_set -- {ChannelConfigGroup}
	type -- {int}
signatures -- {array}
	signature_header -- {SignatureHeader}
	signature -- {byte[]}
  • Object
Name Type Description
config_update.read_set ChannelConfigGroup A set of the current version numbers of all configuration items being updated
config_update.write_set ChannelConfigGroup A set of all configuration items being updated. Must have a version number one greater than the version number of the same item in the read_set along with the new value.


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string Optional. To gives this remote endpoint a name. The endpoint will be known by its URL if no name is provided.
request-timeout number An integer value in milliseconds to be used as maximum amount of time to wait on the request to respond.
pem string The certificate file, in PEM format, to use with the gRPC protocol (that is, with TransportCredentials). Required when using the grpcs protocol.
ssl-target-name-override string Used in test environment only, when the server certificate's hostname (in the 'CN' field) does not match the actual host endpoint that the server process runs at, the application can work around the client TLS verify failure by setting this property to the value of the server certificate's hostname
<any> any any other standard grpc call options will be passed to the grpc service calls directly


  • Object
Name Type Description
full_block boolean Optional. To indicate that the connection with the peer will be sending full blocks or filtered blocks to this ChannelEventHub. The default will be to establish a connection using filtered blocks. Filtered blocks have the required information to provided transaction status and chaincode events (no payload). When using the non filtered blocks (full blocks) the user will be required to have access to establish the connection to receive full blocks. Registering a block listener on a filtered block connection may not provide sufficient information.
startBlock Number | string Optional. This will have the connection setup to start sending blocks back to the event hub at the block with this number. If connecting with a a startBlock then event listeners may not be registered with a startBlock or endBlock. If the event hub should start with the last block it has seen use the string 'last_seen'. If the event hub should start with the oldest block on the ledger use the string 'oldest'. If the event hub should start with the latest block on the ledger, use the string 'latest' or do use a startBlock. Default is to start with the latest block on the ledger.
endBlock Number | string Optional. This will have the connection setup to end sending blocks back to the event hub at the block with this number. If connecting with a a endBlock then event listeners may not be registered with a startBlock or endBlock. If the event hub should end with the last block it has seen use the string 'last_seen'. If the event hub should end with the current block on the ledger use the string 'newest'. Default is to not stop sending.
signedEvent SignedEvent Optional. The signed event to be sent to the peer. This option is useful when the fabric-client application does not have the user's privateKey and can not sign requests to the fabric network.
target Peer | string Optional. The peer that provides the fabric event service. When using a string, the Channel must have a peer assigned with that name. This peer will replace the current peer endpoint of this channel event hub.
as_array boolean Optional. Only used with chaincode code events to indicate that all chaincode events found in a block should be sent as an array to the callback rather than the default one at a time.


  • Object
Name Type Description
url string The CouchDB instance url, in the form of http(s)://:@host:port
name string Optional. Identifies the name of the database to use. Default: member_db.


  • Object
Name Type Description
privateKey string the PEM file path for the private key
privateKeyPEM string the PEM string for the private key (not required if privateKey or privateKeyObj is set)
privateKeyObj module:api.Key private key object (not required if privateKey or privateKeyPEM is set)
signedCert string the PEM file path for the certificate
signedCertPEM string the PEM string for the certificate (not required if signedCert is set)


  • Object
Name Type Description
software boolean Whether to load a software-based implementation (true) or HSM implementation (false) default is true (for software based implementation), specific implementation module is specified in the setting 'crypto-suite-software'
keysize number The key size to use for the crypto suite instance. default is value of the setting 'crypto-keysize'
algorithm string Digital signature algorithm, currently supporting ECDSA only with value 'EC'
hash string 'SHA2' or 'SHA3'


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string The name of the chaincode
collection_names Array.<string> The names of the related collections

"single chaincode"

{ name: "mychaincode"}

"chaincode to chaincode"

[ { name: "mychaincode"}, { name: "myotherchaincode"} ]

"single chaincode with a collection"

{ name: "mychaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }

"chaincode to chaincode with a collection"

    { name: "mychaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] },
    { name: "myotherchaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }}

"chaincode to chaincode with collections"

    { name: "mychaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection", "myothercollection"] },
    { name: "myotherchaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection", "myothercollection"] }}


  • Object
Name Type Description
chaincodes Array.<DiscoveryChaincodeCall> The chaincodes names and collections that will be sent to the discovery service to calculate an endorsement plan.


Requests DiscoveryResults for a given list invocations. Each interest is a separate invocation of one or more chaincodes, which may include invocation on collections. The endorsement policy is evaluated independantly for each given interest.
  • Object
Name Type Description
interests Array.<DiscoveryChaincodeInterest> defines interests in an invocations of chaincodes

"chaincode and no collection"

  interests: [
    { chaincodes: [{ name: "mychaincode"}]}

"chaincode with collection"

  interests: [
    { chaincodes: [{ name: "mychaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }]}

"chaincode to chaincode with collection"

  interests: [
     { chaincodes: [
         { name: "mychaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }},
         { name: "myotherchaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }}

"query for multiple invocations"

  interests: [
     { chaincodes: [
         { name: "mychaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }},
         { name: "myotherchaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }}
    { chaincodes: [{ name: "mychaincode", collection_names: ["mycollection"] }]},
    { chaincodes: [{ name: "mychaincode"}]}


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string
version string


  • Object
Name Type Description
peers Array.<DiscoveryResultPeer> the peers in this group


lists the group names, and the amount of signatures needed from each group.
  • Object.<string, number>


  • Object
Name Type Description
chaincode string The chaincode name that is the first chaincode in the interest that was used to calculate this plan.
plan_id string The string of the JSON object that represents the hint that was used to build the query for this result. The hint is a DiscoveryChaincodeInterest that contains chaincode names and collections that the discovery service uses to calculate the returned plan.
groups Object.<string, DiscoveryResultEndorsementGroup> Specifies the endorsers, separated to groups.
layouts Array.<DiscoveryResultEndorsementLayout> Specifies options of fulfulling the endorsement policy


  • Object
Name Type Description
host string
port number
name string Optional. the name of this endpoint


  • Object
Name Type Description
endpoints Array.<DiscoveryResultEndpoint>


  • Object
Name Type Description
rootCerts string List of root certificates trusted by this MSP. They are used upon certificate validation.
intermediateCerts string List of intermediate certificates trusted by this MSP. They are used upon certificate validation as follows: Validation attempts to build a path from the certificate to be validated (which is at one end of the path) and one of the certs in the RootCerts field (which is at the other end of the path). If the path is longer than 2, certificates in the middle are searched within the IntermediateCerts pool.
admins string Identity denoting the administrator of this MSP
id string the identifier of the MSP
orgs Array.<string> fabric organizational unit identifiers that belong to this MSP configuration
tls_root_certs string TLS root certificates trusted by this MSP
tls_intermediate_certs string TLS intermediate certificates trusted by this MSP


  • Object
Name Type Description
mspid string
endpoint string host:port for this peer
ledger_height Long
name string
chaincodes Array.<DiscoveryResultChaincode>


  • Object
Name Type Description
peers Array.<DiscoveryResultPeer>


  • Object
Name Type Description
msps Object.<string, DiscoveryResultMSPConfig> Optional. The msp config found.
orderers Object.<string, DiscoveryResultEndpoints> Optional. The orderers found.
peers_by_org Object.<string, DiscoveryResultPeers> Optional. The peers by org found.
endorsement_plans Array.<DiscoveryResultEndorsementPlan> Optional.
timestamp number The timestamp at which the discovery results are updated.


An endorsement is a signature of an endorser over a proposal response. By producing an endorsement message, an endorser implicitly "approves" that proposal response and the actions contained therein. When enough endorsements have been collected, a transaction can be generated out of a set of proposal responses

An endorsement message has the following structure:
	Mspid -- {string]
	IdBytes -- {byte[]}
signature -- {byte[]}
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
key Object the private key
certificate string The enrollment certificate in base 64 encoded PEM format
rootCertificate string Base 64 encoded PEM-encoded certificate chain of the CA's signing certificate


  • Object
Name Type Description
enrollmentID string The registered ID to use for enrollment
enrollmentSecret string The secret associated with the enrollment ID
profile string The profile name. Specify the 'tls' profile for a TLS certificate; otherwise, an enrollment certificate is issued.
csr string Optional. PEM-encoded PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request. The message sent from client side to Fabric-ca for the digital identity certificate.
attr_reqs Array.<AttributeRequest> An array of AttributeRequest


  • Object
Name Type Description
enrollmentCert string PEM-encoded X509 enrollment certificate
caCertChain string PEM-encoded X509 certificate chain for the issuing certificate authority


  • Object
Name Type Description
success Number Number of successful events received.
fail Number Number of errors received.
expected Number Number of event hubs for which response events (or errors) are expected.


  • Object
Name Type Description
identity Identity the identity who is doing this registration
txId TransactionID a transaction id for this registration
certificate string The certificate file, in PEM format
mspId string The member service provider Id used to process the identity

Headers describe basic information about a transaction record, such as its type (configuration update, or endorser transaction, etc.), the id of the channel it belongs to, the transaction id and so on. The header message also contains a common field SignatureHeader that describes critical information about how to verify signatures.

A "Header" will have the following object structure.
	type -- {string}
	version -- {int}
	timestamp -- {time}
	channel_id -- {string}
	tx_id -- {string}
	epoch -- {int}
signature_header -- {SignatureHeader}
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
hostname string
port number
protocol string


  • Object
Name Type Description
role Role Any identity of a particular role
OrganizationUnit Any identities belonging to an organization unit per certificate chain of trust
Identity A specific identity


  • Object
Name Type Description
enrollmentID string Required. The enrollment ID which uniquely identifies an identity
affiliation string Required. The affiliation path of the new identity
attrs Array.<KeyValueAttribute> Array of KeyValueAttribute attributes to assign to the user
type string Optional. The type of the identity (e.g. *user*, *app*, *peer*, *orderer*, etc)
enrollmentSecret string Optional. The enrollment secret. If not provided, a random secret is generated.
maxEnrollments number Optional. The maximum number of times that the secret can be used to enroll. If 0, use the configured max_enrollments of the fabric-ca-server; If > 0 and <= configured max enrollments of the fabric-ca-server, use max_enrollments; If > configured max enrollments of the fabric-ca-server, error.
caname string Optional. Name of the CA to send the request to within the Fabric CA server


ImplicitMetaPolicy is a policy type which depends on the hierarchical nature of the configuration It is implicit because the rule is generate implicitly based on the number of sub policies It is meta because it depends only on the result of other policies

When evaluated, this policy iterates over all immediate child sub-groups, retrieves the policy of name sub_policy, evaluates the collection and applies the rule.

For example, with 4 sub-groups, and a policy name of "Readers", ImplicitMetaPolicy retrieves each sub-group, retrieves policy "Readers" for each subgroup, evaluates it, and, in the case of ANY 1 satisfied is sufficient, ALL would require 4 signatures, and MAJORITY would require 3 signatures.

An "ImplicitMetaPolicy" will have the following object structure.
	sub_policy -- {string}
	rule -- ANY | ALL | MAJORITY
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
target string | Peer | ChannelPeer Optional. The target peer to be used to make the initialization requests for configuration information. When used with `targets` parameter, the peer referenced here will be added to the `targets` array. Default is to use the first ChannelPeer assigned to this channel.
targets Array.<(Peer|ChannelPeer)> Optional. The target peers to be used to make the initialization requests for configuration information. When used with `target` parameter, the peer referenced there will be added to the `targets` array. Default is to use the first ChannelPeer assigned to this channel.
discover boolean Optional. Use the discovery service on the the target peer to load the configuration and network information. Default is false. When false, the target peer will use the Peer query to load only the configuration information.
endorsementHandler string Optional. The path to a custom endorsement handler implementing EndorsementHandler.
commitHandler string Optional. The path to a custom commit handler implementing CommitHandler.
asLocalhost boolean Optional. Convert discovered host addresses to be 'localhost'. Will be needed when running a docker composed fabric network on the local system; otherwise should be disabled. Defaults to true.
configUpdate Array.<byte> Optional. To initialize this channel with a serialized ConfigUpdate protobuf object.


  • Object
Name Type Description
targets Array.<Peer> | Array.<string> Optional. An array of Peer objects or Peer names that will be asked to join this channel. When using Peer names or left empty (use default targets) there must be a loaded network configuration. See loadFromConfig()
block Array.<byte> The encoded bytes of the channel's genesis block. See getGenesisBlock() method
txId TransactionID Required. TransactionID object with the transaction id and nonce


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string The key used to reference the attribute
value string The value of the attribute
ecert boolean Optional, A value of true indicates that this attribute should be included in an enrollment certificate by default


A signature over the metadata of a block, to ensure the authenticity of the metadata that describes a Block.
signature_header {SignatureHeader}
signature -- {byte[]}
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
txId TransactionID Optional. Object with the transaction id and nonce
orderer Orderer Optional. The orderer instance or string name of the orderer to retrieve genesis block from


Each participating organization of the channel gets represented in a section in the configuration block as described below. Critical information about the organzation such as its Membership Service Provider (MSP) content and its pre-defined policies that form the basis of the channel's access control policies (Admins, Writers and Readers) are contained in these sections.

A organizational configuration will have the following object structure.
version -- {int}
mod_policy -- {string}
		version -- {int}
		mod_policy -- {string}
			type -- {int}
				name -- {string}
				root_certs -- {string[]}
				intermediate_certs -- {string[]}
				admins -- {string[]}
				revocation_list -- {string[]}
				signing_identity -- {byte[]}
				organizational_unit_identifiers -- {string[]}
			version -- {int}
			mod_policy -- {string}
			policy -- {SignaturePolicy}
			version -- {int}
			mod_policy -- {string}
			policy -- {SignaturePolicy}
			version -- {int}
			mod_policy -- {string}
			policy -- {SignaturePolicy}
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
id string The organization's MSP id


  • Object
Name Type Description
target Peer | string The Peer object or peer name to use for the service discovery request
useAdmin boolean Optional. Indicates that the admin credentials should be used in making this call to the peer. An administrative identity must have been loaded by a connection profile or by using the 'setAdminSigningIdentity' method.


  • Object
Name Type Description
peers_by_org Object
	"peers_by_org": {
		"Org1MSP": {
				{"mspid":"Org1MSP", "endpoint":""}
		"Org2MSP": {


Defines the endorsement policies
  • Object
Name Type Description
identities Array.<Identity> List of identities to be referenced in the "policy" section
policy Array.<PolicySpec> The specification of the policy using a combination of "signed-by" and "n-of" structures. The design allows recursion


  • Object
Name Type Description
type Object The type of policy can be "signed-by" for a single identity signature or "n-of" where "n" is a numeric value. If the type property is "signed-by", the value is the numeric index into the array of identities specified in the policy. If the type property is "n-of", the value is an array of PolicySpec objects. As you can see, this structure allows recursive definitions of complex policies.


  • Object
Name Type Description
validationCode number See this list for all the defined validation codes
transactionEnvelope Object Encapsulates the transaction and the signature over it. It has the following structure:
signature -- {byte[]}
payload -- {}
	header -- {Header}
	data -- {Transaction}


  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
fcn string Required. The function name.
args Array.<string> Required. Arguments to send to chaincode.
chaincodeId string Required. ChaincodeId.
argbytes Buffer Optional. Include when an argument must be included as bytes.
transientMap object <optional>
Optional. Object with String property names and Buffer property values that can be used by the chaincode but not saved in the ledger. Data such as cryptographic information for encryption can be passed to the chaincode using this technique. Data that is to be kept in a private data store (a collection) should be passed to the chaincode in the transientMap.


A protobuf message that gets returned by endorsing peers on proposal requests. The peer node runs the target chaincode, as designated by the proposal, and decides on whether to endorse the proposal or not, and sends back the endorsement result along with the read and write sets inside the proposal response message.
  • Object
Name Type Description
version number
timestamp Timestamp Time the proposal was created by the submitter
response Response
payload Array.<byte> The payload of the response. It is the encoded bytes of the "ProposalResponsePayload" protobuf message
endorsement Endorsement The endorsement of the proposal, basically the endorser's signature over the payload
peer RemoteCharacteristics The characteristics of the peer that created this ProposalResponse. Items include the url, name, and connection options. This information is not returned from the peer, it is not part of the serialized protobuf data returned by the peer. This information is added by the client instance peer object to help identify this ProposalResponse object.


All calls to the endorsing peers for proposal endorsement return this standard array of objects.
  • array
Name Type Description
index:0 Array.<(ProposalResponse|Error)> Array where each element is either a ProposalResponse object (for a successful response from the endorsing peer) or an Error object (for an unsuccessful peer response or runtime error).
index:1 Object The original Proposal object needed when sending the transaction request to the orderer


  • Object
Name Type Description
enrollmentID string ID which will be used for enrollment
enrollmentSecret string Optional enrollment secret to set for the registered user. If not provided, the server will generate one.
role string Optional arbitrary string representing a role value for the user
affiliation string Affiliation with which this user will be associated, like a company or an organization
maxEnrollments number The maximum number of times this user will be permitted to enroll
attrs Array.<KeyValueAttribute> Array of KeyValueAttribute attributes to assign to the user


  • Object
Name Type Description
startBlock integer Optional - The starting block number for event checking. When included, the peer's fabric service will be asked to start sending blocks from this block number. This is how to resume or replay missed blocks that were added to the ledger. Default is the latest block on the ledger. Setting a startBlock may confuse other event listeners, therefore only one listener will be allowed on a ChannelEventHub when a startBlock is being used. Setting a startBlock also requires this ChannelEventHub to connect to the fabric service using different options. The registration with a startBlock must be done before calling connect().
endBlock integer | 'newest' Optional - The ending block number for event checking. The value 'newest' indicates that the endBlock will be calculated by the peer as the newest block on the ledger at the time of registration. This allows the application to replay up to the latest block on the ledger and then the listener will stop and be notified by the 'onError' callback. When included, the peer's fabric service will be asked to stop sending blocks once this block is delivered. This is how to replay missed blocks that were added to the ledger. When a startBlock is not included, the endBlock must be equal to or larger the current channel block height. Setting an endBlock may confuse other event listeners, therefore only one listener will be allowed on a ChannelEventHub when an endBlock is being used. Setting a endBlock also requires this ChannelEventHub to connect to the fabric service using different options. The a registration with an endBlock must be done before calling connect().
unregister boolean Optional - This options setting indicates the registration should be removed (unregister) when the event is seen. When the application is using a timeout to only wait a specified amount of time for the transaction to be seen, the timeout processing should included the manual 'unregister' of the transaction event listener to avoid the event callbacks being called unexpectedly. The default for this setting is different for the different type of event listeners. For block listeners the default is true, however the event listener is assumed to have seen the final event only if the end_block was set as a option and that end_block was seen by the the listener. For transaction listeners the default is true and the listener will be unregistered when a transaction with the id is seen by this listener. For chaincode listeners the default will be false as the match filter might be intended for many transactions rather than a specific transaction or block as in the other listeners. If not set and the endBlock has been set, the listener will be automatically unregistered.
disconnect boolean Optional - This option setting Indicates to the ChannelEventHub instance to automatically disconnect itself from the peer's fabric service once the event has been seen. The default is false. If not set and the endBlock has been set, the the ChannelEventHub instance will automatically disconnect itself.


Information related to the peer instance object.
  • Object
Name Type Description
url string The url of this peer
name string The name of this peer, this will be the host and port if the peer was not created with the name option.
options Object The options object that this peer built based on defaults and what was passed when it was created. Typical options will include the GRPC connection settings.


The Error message string that indicates that the request operation has timed out due to a remote node issue. If there is an issue with the local system a 'SYSTEM_TIMEOUT' error message will be returned. The operation will only use one timer for both types of timeouts. The timer will start running as the operation begins. If the timer expires before the local instance is able to make the outbound request then 'SYSTEM_TIMEOUT' error will be returned. If the local instance is able to make the outbound request and the timer expires before the remote node responds then the 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' is returned. The timer is controlled by the 'request-timeout' setting or passed on a call that makes an outbound request
  • Error
'client.setConfigSetting('request-timeout', 3000)'
'channel.sendTranaction(request, 3000)'


A response message indicating whether the endorsement of the proposal was successful
  • Object
Name Type Description
status number Status code. Follows HTTP status code definitions
message string A message associated with the response status code
payload Array.<byte> A payload that can be used to include metadata with this response


  • Object
Name Type Description
revokedBefore Date Include certificates that were revoked before this UTC timestamp (in RFC3339 format) in the CRL
revokedAfter Date Include certificates that were revoked after this UTC timestamp (in RFC3339 format) in the CRL
expireBefore Date Include revoked certificates that expire before this UTC timestamp (in RFC3339 format) in the CRL
expireAfter Date Include revoked certificates that expire after this UTC timestamp (in RFC3339 format) in the CRL


  • Object
Name Type Description
name string Name of the role. Value can be "member" or "admin"
mspId string The member service provider Id used to process the identity


  • Object
Name Type Description
Success boolean Boolean indicating if the request was successful
Result Object The result of this request
Errors Array.<ServiceResponseMessage> An array of error messages (code and message)
Messages Array.<ServiceResponseMessage> An array of information messages (code and message)


  • Object
Name Type Description
code number Integer code denoting the type of message
message string A more specific message


An object that is part of all signatures in Hyperledger Fabric. The "creator" field has two important pieces of information about the identity of the signer, the organization (Mspid) that the signer belongs to, and the certificate (IdBytes). The "nonce" field is a unique value to guard against replay attacks.
	Mspid -- {string}
	IdBytes -- {byte[]}
nonce -- {byte[]}
  • Object


SignaturePolicy is a recursive message structure which defines a featherweight DSL for describing policies which are more complicated than 'exactly this signature'. The NOutOf operator is sufficent to express AND as well as OR, as well as of course N out of the following M policies.

SignedBy implies that the signature is from a valid certificate which is signed by the trusted authority specified in the bytes. This will be the certificate itself for a self-signed certificate and will be the CA for more traditional certificates

A "SignaturePolicy" will have the following object structure.
	Type -- n_out_of
		N -- {int}
		rules -- {array}
			Type -- signed_by
			signed_by -- {int}
	identities -- {array}
		principal_classification -- {int}
		msp_identifier -- {string}
		Role -- MEMBER | ADMIN
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
request TransactionRequest Required. The commit request
signedTransaction Buffer Required. The signed transaction
orderer Orderer | string Optional. The orderer instance or string name of the orderer to operate. See Client.getTargetOrderer


  • Object
Name Type Description
signature Buffer the signature over this payload
payload Buffer the payload byte array to be sent to the peer


  • Object
Name Type Description
targets Array.<Peer> Required. The function name.
signedProposal Buffer Required. The signed endorse proposal


The Error message string that indicates that the request operation has timed out due to a system issue. This will indicate that the issue is local rather than remote. If there is an issue with the remote node a 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' error message will be returned. The operation will only use one timer for both types of timeouts. The timer will start running as the operation begins. If the timer expires before the local instance is able to make the outbound request then 'SYSTEM_TIMEOUT' error will be returned. If the local instance is able to make the outbound request and the timer expires before the remote node responds then the 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' is returned. The timer is controlled by the 'request-timeout' setting or passed on a call that makes an outbound request
  • Error
'client.setConfigSetting('request-timeout', 3000)'
'channel.sendTranaction(request, 3000)'


  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
trustedRoots Array.<string> Array of PEM-encoded trusted root certificates
verify boolean <optional>
true Determines whether or not to verify the server certificate when using TLS


A Transaction, or "Endorser Transaction", is the result of invoking chaincodes to collect endorsements, getting globally ordered in the context of a channel, and getting validated by the committer peer as part of a block before finally being formally "committed" to the ledger inside a Block. Each transaction contains an array of "actions" representing different steps for executing a transaction, and those steps will be processed atomically, meaning if any one step failed then the whole transaction will be marked as rejected.

Each entry of the "actions" array contains a chaincode proposal and corresponding proposal responses that encapsulate the endorsing peer's decisions on whether the proposal is considered valid. Note that even if a transaction proposal(s) is considered valid by the endorsing peers, it may still be rejected by the committers during transaction validation. Whether a transaction as a whole is valid or not, is not reflected in the transaction record itself, but rather recorded in a separate field in the Block's metadata.

A "Transaction" will have the following object structure.
actions {array}
	header -- {SignatureHeader}
			input -- {ChaincodeInvocationSpec} for a endorser transaction
				proposal_hash -- {byte[]}
						data_model -- {int}
						ns_rwset -- {array}
							namespace -- {string}
								reads -- {array}
									key -- {string}
										block_num -- {number}
										tx_num -- {number}
								range_queries_info -- {array}
								writes -- {array}
									key -- {string}
									is_delete -- {boolean}
									value -- {string}
								metadata_writes -- {array}
									key -- {string}
									entries -- {array}
										name -- {string}
										value -- {byte[]}
						collection_hashed_rwset -- {array}
							collection_name -- {string}
								hashed_reads -- {array}
									key_hash -- {byte[]}
										block_num -- {number}
										tx_num -- {number}
								hashed_writes -- {array}
									key_hash -- {byte[]}
									is_delete -- {boolean}
									value_hash -- {byte[]}
								metadata_writes -- {array}
									key_hash -- {byte[]}
									entries -- {array}
										name -- {string}
										value -- {byte[]}
							pvt_rwset_hash -- {byte[]}
						chaincode_id --  {string}
						tx_id -- {string}
						event_name -- {string}
						payload -- {byte[]}
						status -- {int}
						message -- {string}
						payload -- {byte[]}
			endorsements -- {Endorsement[]}
  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
commitTimeout Number <optional>
0 Number of seconds to wait for transaction completion. A value of zero indicates that the handler should wait indefinitely.


  • Object
Name Type Description
proposalResponses Array.<ProposalResponse> An array of or a single ProposalResponse object containing the response from the endorsement call
proposal Proposal A Proposal object containing the original request for endorsement(s)
txID TransactionId Optional. - Must be the transaction ID object used in the proposal endorsement. The transactionID will only be used to determine if the signing of the request should be done by the admin identity or the user assigned to the client instance.
orderer Orderer | string Optional. The orderer instance or string name of the orderer to operate. See Client.getTargetOrderer


An alternate object to use on the 'setUserContext' call in place of the 'User' object. When using this object it is assumed that the current 'Client' instance has been loaded with a common connection profile.
  • Object
Name Type Description
username string Required. A string representing the user name of the user
password string Optional. A string representing the password of the user
caName string Optional. A string representing the name of the Certificate Authority. If not specified, will use the first Certificate Authority on the list.


  • Object
Name Type Description
username string the user name used for enrollment
mspid string the MSP id
cryptoContent CryptoContent the private key and certificate
skipPersistence boolean whether to save this new user object into persistence.