fabric-network: How to replay missed events

Event Checkpointing

This tutorial describes the approaches that can be selected by users of the fabric-network module for replaying missed events emitted by peers.


Events are emitted by peers when blocks are committed. Two types of events support checkpointing:

  1. Contract events (also known as chaincode events) - Defined in transactions to be emitted. E.g. an event emitted when a commercial paper is sold
  2. Block Events - Emitted when a block is committed

In the case of an application crashing and events being missed, applications may still want to execute the event callback for the event it missed. Peers in a Fabric network support event replay, and to support this, the fabric-network module supports checkpointing strategies that track the last block and transactions in that block, that have been seen by the client.


Checkpointing in its current form has not been tested to deal with all recovery scenarios, so it should be used alongside existing recovery infrastructure. module:fabric-network~FileSystemCheckpointer is designed for Proof of Technology projects, so we strongly suggest implementing your own checkpointer using the module:fabric-network~BaseCheckpointer interface.


Block Number = Block Height - 1 When using checkpointing:

  • The listener will only catch up on events if the startBlock is less than the current Block Number
  • If the latest block in the checkpointer is block n the startBlock will be n + 1 (e.g. for checkpoint blockNumber=1,startBlock=2)


The BaseCheckpoint class is an interface that is to be used by all Checkpoint classes. fabric-network has one default class, module:fabric-network~FileSystemCheckpointer that is exported as a factory in the module:fabric-network~CheckpointFactories. The FILE_SYSTEM_CHECKPOINTER is the default checkpointer.

A checkpoint factory is a function that returns an instance with BaseCheckpointer as a parent class. These classes implement the async save(channelName, listenerName) and async load() functions.

BaseCheckpointer.save() is called after the async callback function given to the event listener has finished processing.

Custom Checkpointer

Configuring a custom checkpointer requires two components to be created:

  1. The Checkpointer class
  2. The Factory
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const { Gateway } = require('fabric-network');

class FileSystemCheckpointer extends BaseCheckpointer {
    constructor(channelName, listenerName, fsOptions) {
        super(channelName, listenerName);
        this.basePath = path.resolve(fsOptions.basePath);
        this.channelName = channelName;
        this.listenerName = listenerName;

     * Initializes the checkpointer directory structure 
    async _initialize() {
        const cpPath = this._getCheckpointFileName()

     * Constructs the checkpoint files name
    _getCheckpointFileName() {
        let filePath = path.join(this._basePath, this._channelName);
        if (this._chaincodeId) {
            filePath = path.join(filePath, this._chaincodeId);
        return path.join(filePath, this._listenerName);

    async save(transactionId, blockNumber) { 
        const cpPath = this._getCheckpointFileName()
        if (!(await fs.exists(cpPath))) {
            await this._initialize();
        const latestCheckpoint = await this.load();
        if (Number(latestCheckpoint.blockNumber) === Number(blockNumber)) {
            const transactionIds = latestCheckpoint.transactionIds;
            latestCheckpoint.transactionIds = transactionIds;
        } else {
            latestCheckpoint.blockNumber = blockNumber;
            latestCheckpoint.transactionIds = [transactionIds];
        await fs.writeFile(cppPath, JSON.stringify(latestCheckpoint));

    async load() {
        const cpPath = this._getCheckpointFileName(this._chaincodeId);
        if (!(await fs.exists(cpPath))) {
            await this._initialize();
        const chkptBuffer = await fs.readFile(cpFile);
        let checkpoint = checkpointBuffer.toString('utf8');
        if (!checkpoint) {
            checkpoint = {};
        } else {
            checkpoint = JSON.parse(checkpoint);
        return checkpoint;

function File_SYSTEM_CHECKPOINTER_FACTORY(channelName, listenerName, options) {
    return new FileSystemCheckpointer(channelName, listenerName, options);

const gateway = new Gateway();
await gateway.connect({
    checkpointer: {
        options: {basePath: '/home/blockchain/checkpoints'} // These options will vary depending on the checkpointer implementation

In addition to save() and load() the BaseCheckpointer interface also has the loadLatestCheckpoint() function which, in the case that load() returns a list of checkpoints, will return the latest incomplete checkpoint (or whichever is most relevant for the specific implementation).

Note: When using the filesystem checkpointer, use absolute paths rather than relative paths.

When specifying a specific type of checkpointer for a listener, the checkpointer option in module:fabric-network.Network~EventListenerOptions`.