Package-level declarations


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data class CredentialFormat(val attachId: String, val format: String)

know Format:

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data class CredentialPreview constructor(val schemaId: String? = null, val body: CredentialPreview.Body)

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data class IssueCredential(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val body: IssueCredential.Body, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor>, val thid: String?, val from: DID, val to: DID)

The IssueCredential class represents a credential issuance in the context of DIDComm messaging.

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A class that represents the issue credential protocol in the DIDCommv2 format.

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data class OfferCredential constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val body: OfferCredential.Body, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor>, val thid: String?, val from: DID, val to: DID)

ALL parameters are DIDCOMMV2 format and naming conventions and follows the protocol

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data class ProposeCredential constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val body: ProposeCredential.Body, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor>, val thid: String?, val from: DID, val to: DID)

ALL parameters are DIDCOMMV2 format and naming conventions and follows the protocol

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data class RequestCredential constructor(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val body: RequestCredential.Body, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor>, val thid: String?, val from: DID, val to: DID)

ALL parameters are DIDCOMMV2 format and naming conventions and follows the protocol


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inline fun <T : Serializable> DID, toDID: DID, thid: String?, credentials: Map<String, T> = mapOf()): IssueCredential

Builds an instance of IssueCredential with the provided parameters.

inline fun <T : Serializable> DID, toDID: DID, thid: String?, credentials: Map<String, T> = mapOf()): RequestCredential

Builds a RequestCredential object using the provided parameters.

inline fun <T : Serializable> DID, toDID: DID, thid: String?, credentialPreview: CredentialPreview, credentials: Map<String, T> = mapOf()): OfferCredential

Builds an OfferCredential object with the provided data.

inline fun <T : Serializable> DID, toDID: DID, thid: String?, credentialPreview: CredentialPreview, credentials: Map<String, T> = mapOf()): ProposeCredential

This method builds a ProposeCredential object based on the provided parameters. The ProposeCredential represents a proposal to issue a credential in the Atala PRISM architecture . The method takes in the following parameters: