Issue Credential Protocol
A class that represents the issue credential protocol in the DIDCommv2 format.
The IssueCredentialProtocol class represents a protocol for issuing credentials in the Atala PRISM architecture. It handles different stages of the protocol and communicates with a DIDComm connection to exchange messages.
Constructs an instance of IssueCredentialProtocol class. This constructor initializes the object with the provided message and connector. It determines the stage of the credential issuance process based on the message type in message, and assigns the corresponding values to the stage and relevant property (propose, offer, or request).
The DIDCommConnection
object representing the connection used to send and receive messages.
The OfferCredential
object representing the offer message, or null if not applicable.
The ProposeCredential
object representing the propose message, or null if not applicable.
The RequestCredential
object representing the request message, or null if not applicable.
The current stage of the protocol.