Package-level declarations


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class PickupDelivery constructor(fromMessage: Message)

The PickupDelivery class represents a pickup delivery protocol type in the Atala PRISM architecture. It is a final class, meaning it cannot be subclassed.

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class PickupReceived constructor(var id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val from: DID, val to: DID, var body: PickupReceived.Body)

Represents a pickup received message.

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class PickupRequest constructor(var id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val from: DID, val to: DID, var body: PickupRequest.Body)

A class representing a pickup request.

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class PickupRunner(message: Message, mercury: Mercury)

The PickupRunner class is responsible for processing Message objects related to pickup requests and delivering them using the Mercury service. It provides methods to run the pickup request and process the response.