Package-level declarations


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data class JWTPresentationOptions(val name: String? = "Presentation", val purpose: String = "Presentation definition", val jwt: Array<String> = arrayOf("ES256K"), val domain: String, val challenge: String) : PresentationOptions
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The Presentation class represents a presentation message in the EdgeAgent software. It contains the necessary information for constructing a presentation message.

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sealed interface PresentationOptions
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data class PresentationSubmissionOptionsAnoncreds(val presentationDefinitionRequest: String) : PresentationSubmissionOptions
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data class PresentationSubmissionOptionsJWT(val presentationDefinitionRequest: String) : PresentationSubmissionOptions
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data class Proof(val type: String, val created: String, val proofPurpose: String, val verificationMethod: String, val jws: String? = null)
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data class ProofTypes constructor(val schema: String, val requiredFields: Array<String>? = null, val trustIssuers: Array<String>? = null)

Data class representing proof types.

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Class representing a proposal for a presentation.

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data class RequestPresentation(val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val body: RequestPresentation.Body, val attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor>, val thid: String? = null, val from: DID, val to: DID? = null, val direction: Message.Direction = Message.Direction.RECEIVED)

The RequestPresentation class represents a request for presentation of credentials or proofs in a DIDComm protocol.