
The Presentation class represents a presentation message in the EdgeAgent software. It contains the necessary information for constructing a presentation message.


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constructor(id: String? = null, body: Presentation.Body, attachments: Array<AttachmentDescriptor>, thid: String? = null, from: DID, to: DID)

The Presentation class represents a presentation message in the EdgeAgent software. It contains the necessary information for constructing a presentation message.

constructor(fromMessage: Message)

Constructor for creating a Presentation object from a Message object.


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data class Body constructor(val goalCode: String? = null, val comment: String? = null)

Represents the body of a Presentation object.

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object Companion


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An array of AttachmentDescriptor objects representing the attachments in the message.

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lateinit var body: Presentation.Body

The body of the presentation message, including goal code and comment.

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lateinit var from: DID

The sender's DID.

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lateinit var id: String

The unique identifier for the presentation message.

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var thid: String?

The thread ID of the presentation message.

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lateinit var to: DID

The recipient's DID.

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The type of the presentation message.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Compares this Presentation object with the specified object for equality.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Calculates the hash code value for the Presentation object.

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Creates a new Message object based on the provided parameters.