
data class AnonCredential(val schemaID: String, val credentialDefinitionID: String, val values: Map<String, AnonCredential.Attribute>, val signatureJson: String, val signatureCorrectnessProofJson: String, val revocationRegistryId: String?, val revocationRegistryJson: String?, val witnessJson: String?, json: String) : Credential, ProvableCredential(source)

Represents an anonymous verifiable credential that contains information about an entity or identity.

This class implements the Credential interface and provides methods for converting the credential to a storable format and restoring it from a storable format.



The ID of the credential's schema.


The ID of the credential's definition.


The values of the attributes in the credential.


The JSON representation of the credential's signature.


The JSON representation of the credential's signature correctness proof.


The ID of the credential's revocation registry (optional).


The JSON representation of the credential's revocation registry (optional).


The JSON representation of the credential's witness.


The JSON representation of the credential.


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constructor(schemaID: String, credentialDefinitionID: String, values: Map<String, AnonCredential.Attribute>, signatureJson: String, signatureCorrectnessProofJson: String, revocationRegistryId: String?, revocationRegistryJson: String?, witnessJson: String?, json: String)


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data class Attribute(val raw: String, val encoded: String)

Represents an attribute in a verifiable credential.

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object Companion


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open override val claims: Array<Claim>
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@SerialName(value = "cred_def_id")
val credentialDefinitionID: String
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open override val id: String
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open override val issuer: String
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open override val properties: Map<String, Any>
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@SerialName(value = "rev_reg_id")
val revocationRegistryId: String?
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@SerialName(value = "rev_reg")
val revocationRegistryJson: String?
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open override var revoked: Boolean?
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@SerialName(value = "schema_id")
val schemaID: String
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@SerialName(value = "signature_correctness_proof")
val signatureCorrectnessProofJson: String
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@SerialName(value = "signature")
val signatureJson: String
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open override val subject: String?
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@SerialName(value = "witness")
val witnessJson: String?


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open suspend override fun presentation(request: ByteArray, options: List<CredentialOperationsOptions>): String
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Converts the current credential object into a storable credential object.