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data class AnonCredential(val schemaID: String, val credentialDefinitionID: String, val values: Map<String, AnonCredential.Attribute>, val signatureJson: String, val signatureCorrectnessProofJson: String, val revocationRegistryId: String?, val revocationRegistryJson: String?, val witnessJson: String?, json: String) : Credential, ProvableCredential

Represents an anonymous verifiable credential that contains information about an entity or identity.

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data class AnoncredPayload(val schemaId: String, val credDefId: String, val keyCorrectnessProof: KeyCorrectnessProof, val nonce: String, val methodName: String)

Represents the payload of an anonymous credential.

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data class AnoncredsPresentationDefinitionRequest(val nonce: String, val name: String, val version: String, val requestedPredicates: Map<String, RequestedPredicates>, val requestedAttributes: Map<String, RequestedAttributes>) : PresentationDefinitionRequest
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data class CredentialDefinition(val schemaId: String, val type: String, val tag: String, val value: Array<String>, val issuerId: String)

Represents a credential definition.

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Represents an interface for a verifiable credential that has been issued.

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The CredentialRequest interface represents a request for verifiable credentials.

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Represents the blinded master secret used in the credential request.

This interface represents a blinded master secret correctness proof for a credential request.

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data class CredentialRequestMeta(var linkSecretName: String, var json: String)

Represents the metadata for a credential request.

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interface CredentialValue

Represents a credential value, which consists of an encoded value and its raw value.

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data class JWTCredential constructor(val id: String, val iss: String, val sub: String?, val nbf: Long?, val exp: Long?, val jti: String?, val aud: Array<String>?, val originalJWTString: String?, var verifiablePresentation: JWTVerifiablePresentation? = null, var verifiableCredential: JWTVerifiableCredential? = null, var nonce: String? = null) : Credential, JWTPayload, ProvableCredential

Represents a JSON Web Token (JWT) credential.

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data class JWTJsonPayload constructor(val iss: String? = null, val sub: String? = null, val nbf: Long? = null, val exp: Long? = null, val vc: JsonElement)

Represents a JSON Web Token (JWT) payload as a Kotlin data class.

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data class KeyCorrectnessProof(val c: String, val xzCap: String, val xrCap: Map<String, String>)

Represents the proof of correctness of a public key used for signing a credential.

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data class LinkSecretBlindingData constructor(var vPrime: String, var vrPrime: String? = null)

Represents the blinding data used in the Link-Secret protocol. This class is serialized and deserialized using Kotlinx Serialization library.

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data class PresentationSubmission(val presentationSubmission: PresentationSubmission.Submission, val verifiablePresentation: Array<String>)
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class ProofCredentialSubmission(val context: String, val id: String, val type: Array<String>, val issuer: String, val issuanceDate: String, val credentialSubject: Map<String, String>, val proof: Proof) : CredentialSubmission
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data class SDJWTCredential(val sdjwtString: String, val sdjwt: <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>) : Credential, ProvableCredential
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data class W3CCredential constructor(val credentialType: CredentialType = CredentialType.W3C, val context: Array<String>, val type: Array<String>, val _id: String, val _issuer: String, val _subject: String?, val issuanceDate: String, val expirationDate: String? = null, val credentialSchema: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val credentialSubject: Map<String, String>? = null, val credentialStatus: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val refreshService: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val evidence: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val termsOfUse: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val validFrom: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val validUntil: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val proof: JsonString?, val aud: Array<String> = arrayOf()) : Credential

A data class representing a W3C Verifiable Credential. This data class conforms to the VerifiableCredential interface, which defines the properties and methods required for a verifiable credential. The W3CVerifiableCredential contains properties for the credential's context, type, ID, issuer, issuance date, expiration date, credential schema, credential subject, credential status, refresh service, evidence, terms of use, valid from date, valid until date, proof, and audience.