
data class W3CCredential constructor(val credentialType: CredentialType = CredentialType.W3C, val context: Array<String>, val type: Array<String>, val _id: String, val _issuer: String, val _subject: String?, val issuanceDate: String, val expirationDate: String? = null, val credentialSchema: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val credentialSubject: Map<String, String>? = null, val credentialStatus: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val refreshService: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val evidence: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val termsOfUse: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val validFrom: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val validUntil: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, val proof: JsonString?, val aud: Array<String> = arrayOf()) : Credential(source)

A data class representing a W3C Verifiable Credential. This data class conforms to the VerifiableCredential interface, which defines the properties and methods required for a verifiable credential. The W3CVerifiableCredential contains properties for the credential's context, type, ID, issuer, issuance date, expiration date, credential schema, credential subject, credential status, refresh service, evidence, terms of use, valid from date, valid until date, proof, and audience.

Note: The W3CVerifiableCredential is designed to work with W3C-compliant verifiable credentials.


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constructor(credentialType: CredentialType = CredentialType.W3C, context: Array<String>, type: Array<String>, _id: String, _issuer: String, _subject: String?, issuanceDate: String, expirationDate: String? = null, credentialSchema: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, credentialSubject: Map<String, String>? = null, credentialStatus: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, refreshService: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, evidence: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, termsOfUse: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, validFrom: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, validUntil: VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer? = null, proof: JsonString?, aud: Array<String> = arrayOf())


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val _id: String
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open override val claims: Array<Claim>
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val expirationDate: String? = null
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open override val id: String
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open override val issuer: String
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open override val properties: Map<String, *>
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open override var revoked: Boolean?
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open override val subject: String?
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Checks if the current W3CCredential object is equal to the specified object.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Calculates a hash code value for the current W3CCredential object.

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Converts the current W3CCredential object to a StorableCredential object that can be stored and retrieved from a storage system.