
data class JWTJsonPayload constructor(val iss: String? = null, val sub: String? = null, val nbf: Long? = null, val exp: Long? = null, val vc: JsonElement)(source)

Represents a JSON Web Token (JWT) payload as a Kotlin data class.


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constructor(iss: String? = null, sub: String? = null, nbf: Long? = null, exp: Long? = null, vc: JsonElement)


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val exp: Long? = null

The expiration time of the token. It specifies the time after which the token should not be considered valid.

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val iss: String? = null

The issuer of the token. It identifies the entity that issued the token.

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val nbf: Long? = null

The "not before" time of the token. It specifies the time before which the token should not be considered valid.

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val sub: String? = null

The subject of the token. It represents the entity that the token pertains to.

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The JSON payload contained within the token.