
data class JWTCredential constructor(val id: String, val iss: String, val sub: String?, val nbf: Long?, val exp: Long?, val jti: String?, val aud: Array<String>?, val originalJWTString: String?, var verifiablePresentation: JWTVerifiablePresentation? = null, var verifiableCredential: JWTVerifiableCredential? = null, var nonce: String? = null) : Credential, JWTPayload, ProvableCredential(source)

Represents a JSON Web Token (JWT) credential.

This class provides a way to parse and extract information from a JWT string. It implements the Credential interface and provides implementations for all its properties and functions.


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constructor(id: String, iss: String, sub: String?, nbf: Long?, exp: Long?, jti: String?, aud: Array<String>?, originalJWTString: String?, verifiablePresentation: JWTVerifiablePresentation? = null, verifiableCredential: JWTVerifiableCredential? = null, nonce: String? = null)


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AudSerializer is a custom serializer for serializing and deserializing JSON arrays of strings.

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object Companion


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open override val claims: Array<Claim>
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open override val exp: Long?
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open override val id: String
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open override val iss: String
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open override val issuer: String
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open override val jti: String?
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open override val nbf: Long?
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open override val originalJWTString: String?
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open override val properties: Map<String, Any?>
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open override var revoked: Boolean?
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open override val sub: String?
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open override val subject: String?
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@SerialName(value = "vc")
open override var verifiableCredential: JWTVerifiableCredential?
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Compares this JWTCredential with the specified object for equality.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Calculates the hash code value for the object.

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open suspend override fun presentation(request: ByteArray, options: List<CredentialOperationsOptions>): String
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Converts the current instance of JWTCredential to a StorableCredential.