fabric-network: How to select peers for evaluating transactions (queries)

This tutorial describes how peers are selected when a transaction is evaluated and the results are not written to the ledger. The is considered to be a query.

Query handling strategies

The SDK provides two strategies to evaluate transactions. The available strategies are defined in DefaultQueryHandlerStrategies. The desired strategy is (optionally) specified as an argument to connect() on the Gateway, and is used for all transaction evaluations on Contracts obtained from that Gateway instance.

If no query handling strategy is specified, PREFER_MSPID_SCOPE_SINGLE is used by default. This will evaluate all transactions on the first peer from which it can obtain a response, and only switch to another peer if this peer fails. The list of peers will be all peers in the contract's Network that belong to the gateway's organization, if that organization has any peers. Otherwise, the list of peers will be all peers in the network. If you do not want to fall back to all peers in the network when the gateway's organization has no peers, use MSPID_SCOPE_SINGLE instead which will fail when there are no peers in the gateway's organization.

There are another two query handling strategies provided called PREFER_MSPID_SCOPE_ROUND_ROBIN and MSPID_SCOPE_ROUND_ROBIN. This will evaluate a transaction starting with the first peer on the list. It will try the peers in order until a response is received or all peers have been tried. On the next call the second peer will be tried first and then continue on in the list until a response is received. The starting point within the list is incremented on each call, this will distribute the work load among all responding peers. When using PREFER_MSPID_SCOPE_ROUND_ROBIN, the list of peers will be all peers in the contract's Network that belong to the gateway's organization, if that organization has any peers. Otherwise, the list of peers will be all peers in the network. If you do not want to fall back to all peers in the network when the gateway's organization has no peers, use MSPID_SCOPE_ROUND_ROBIN instead which will fail when there are no peers in the gateway's organization.

const { Gateway, DefaultQueryHandlerStrategies } = require('fabric-network');

const connectOptions = {
    queryHandlerOptions: {
        timeout: 3, // timeout in seconds
        strategy: DefaultQueryHandlerStrategies.MSPID_SCOPE_SINGLE

const gateway = new Gateway();
await gateway.connect(connectionProfile, connectOptions);

Plug-in query handlers

If behavior is required that is not provided by the default query handling strategies, it is possible to implement your own query handling. This is achieved by specifying your own factory function as the query handling strategy. The factory function should return a query handler object and take one parameter:

  1. Blockchain network: Network - fabric-network.Network

The Network instance provides access to peers on which transactions should be evaluated.

// factory function will return the handler
function createQueryHandler(network) {
    // use the network to get all endorsing peers
    // of all organizations
    const peers = network.getEndorsers();
    // use the network to get endorsing peers
    // of my organization (MSPID of the organization)
    const peers = network.getEndorsers('mymspid');

    // build and return the query handler
    return new MyQueryHandler(peers);

const connectOptions = {
    query: {
        timeout: 3, // timeout in seconds (optional will default to 3)
        strategy: createQueryHandler

const gateway = new Gateway();
await gateway.connect(connectionProfile, connectOptions);

The query handler object returned must implement the following functions.

class MyQueryHandler {
     * Evaluate the supplied query on appropriate peers.
     * @param {Query} query - A query object that will send the
     * query proposal to the peers and format the responses for this query handler
     * @returns {Buffer} Query result.
    async evaluate(query) { /* Your implementation here */ }

Use the query instance provided to the evaluate method to make the query call to the peer or peers of your Fabric network. The query instance will process the peer responses of the endorsement and provide your handler with the results. The results will be keyed by peer name and may contain either a QueryResult or an Error.

The QueryResult:

export interface QueryResponse {
    isEndorsed: boolean; // indicates a good endorsement, required to have query results
    payload: Buffer; // The query results
    status: number; // status of the query, 200 successful, 500 failed
    message: string; // failed reason message

The following sample code is in TypeScript to show the object types involved.

    public async evaluate(query: Query): Promise<Buffer> {
        const errorMessages: string[] = [];

        for (const peer of this.peers) {
            const results: QueryResults = await query.evaluate([peer]);
            const result = results[peer.name];
            if (result instanceof Error) {
            } else {
                if (result.isEndorsed) {
                    return result.payload;

        const message = util.format('Query failed. Errors: %j', errorMessages);
        const error = new Error(message);
        throw error;

For a complete sample plug-in query handler implementation, see sample-query-handler.ts.