fabric-network: How to wait for transactions to be committed to the ledger

This tutorial describes the approaches that can be selected by users of the fabric-network module for ensuring that submitted transactions are committed on peers.


The submit of a transaction involves several steps:

  1. Send proposals to endorsing peers.
  2. Send the endorsed transaction to the orderer.
  3. The transaction is eventually committed on all peers in the network.

In some cases a client application might be happy to proceed immediately after the transaction is successfully sent to the orderer. In other cases a client application might need to ensure that the transaction has been committed on certain peers with which it wants to interact before proceeding.

It is important to note that the blockchain state visible from a specific peer will remain unchanged until a transaction is committed on that peer. If a client application queries a peer for state after an endorsed transaction has been successfully sent to the orderer but before the transaction has been committed on that peer, the state returned will still be that prior to the transaction. For example, a query of a bank balance after a transaction to deduct funds from that bank account is submitted to the orderer will return the old balance until the transaction is eventually committed on the peer being queried.

Event handling strategies

The SDK provides several selectable strategies for how it should wait for commit events following a transaction invocation. The available strategies are defined in DefaultEventHandlerStrategies. The desired strategy is (optionally) specified as an argument to connect() on the Gateway, and is used for all transaction invocations on Contracts obtained from that Gateway instance.

If no event handling strategy is specified, PREFER_MSPID_SCOPE_ALLFORTX is used by default. This uses all peers from the current organization if that organization has any peers, otherwise it uses all peers from the network.

import { Gateway, GatewayOptions, DefaultEventHandlerStrategies } from 'fabric-network';

const connectOptions: GatewayOptions = {
    eventHandlerOptions: {
        strategy: DefaultEventHandlerStrategies.MSPID_SCOPE_ALLFORTX

const gateway = new Gateway();
await gateway.connect(connectionProfile, connectOptions);

Specifying null as the event handling strategy will cause transaction invocations to return immediately after successfully sending the endorsed transaction to the orderer. It will not wait for any commit events to be received from peers.

For more details on Event Handling Options, see TransactionOptions.

Plug-in event handlers

If behavior is required that is not provided by the default event handling strategies, it is possible to implement your own event handling. This is achieved by specifying your own factory function as the event handling strategy. The factory function should return a transaction event handler object and take two parameters:

  1. transactionId: string
  2. network: Network

The Network instance provides access to an underlying Channel object, from which endorsing peers can be obtained.

import { Gateway, GatewayOptions, TxEventHandlerFactory } from 'fabric-network';

const createTransactionEventHandler: TxEventHandlerFactory = (transactionId, network) => {
    /* Your implementation here */
    const mspId = network.getGateway().getIdentity().mspId;
    const myOrgPeers = network.getChannel().getEndorsers(mspId);
    return new MyTransactionEventHandler(transactionId, network, myOrgPeers);

const connectOptions: GatewayOptions = {
    transaction: {
        strategy: createTransactionEventhandler

const gateway = new Gateway();
await gateway.connect(connectionProfile, connectOptions);

The transaction event handler object returned must implement the following functions:

import { TxEventHandler } from 'fabric-network';

class MyTransactionEventHandler implements TxEventHandler {
     * Called to initiate listening for transaction events.
    async startListening() { /* Your implementation here */ }

     * Wait until enough events have been received from peers to satisfy the event handling strategy.
     * @throws {Error} if the transaction commit is not successfully confirmed.
    async waitForEvents() { /* Your implementation here */ }

     * Cancel listening for events.
    cancelListening() { /* Your implementation here */ }

The transaction event handler implementation will typically use a commit listener to monitor commit events from endorsing peers by calling Network.addCommitListener.

For a complete sample plug-in event handler implementation, see sample-transaction-event-handler.ts.