fabric-common: Working with an offline private key

This tutorial illustrates how to work with an offline private key with the Hyperledger Fabric Node.js SDK (fabric-common and fabric-ca-client) APIs.

For more information on:

The following assumes an understanding of the Hyperledger Fabric network (orderers and peers), and of Node application development, including the use of the Javascript promise and async await.


In most use cases an application will persist the user's credentials including the private key and sign transactions for the user. However some business scenarios may require higher level of privacy. What if the user wants to keep their private key secret and does not trust another system or backend server to securely store it and use it?

The fabric-common package comes with the ability to sign a transaction outside of the application. The application may choose to include the signature when calling the send method of the service instead of the identity context that would be used to create the signature.

The Fabric-ca comes with the ability to enroll with a PKCS#10 standard CSR, which means the user can use an existing key pairs to generate the CSR and send this CSR to Fabric-ca to get the signed certificate.
The fabric-ca-client also accepts a CSR at the API enroll().

How to sign a transaction by an identity's private key

There might be several digital signature algorithms. If we set the user's identity at the fabric client, the fabric client would use ECDSA with algorithm 'EC' by default.

The process is the same for all Service of Endorsement, Commit, Query, and Discovery, using first the build() method getting the bytes to be signed. Signing those bytes, then providing the signagure on the sign() method before calling the send().

  1. generate proposal bytes with the identity's certificate

    const idx = client.newIdentityContext(user);
    const endorsement = channel.newEndorsement(chaincode_name);
    const build_options = {fcn: 'move', args: ['a', 'b', '100']};
    const proposalBytes = endorsement.build(idx, build_options);
  2. calculate the hash

    A hash algorithm should be picked and calculate the hash of the transaction proposal bytes.

    There exists multiple hash functions (such as SHA2/3). by default, the fabric client will use 'SHA2' with key size 256.

    The user may use an alternative implementation

    const hashFunction = xxxx; // A hash function by the user's desire
    const digest = hashFunction(proposalBytes); // calculate the hash of the proposal bytes
  3. calculate the signature

    We may have a series of choices for the signature algorithm. Including asymmetric keys (such as ECDSA or RSA), symmetric keys (such as AES).

    By default the the fabric client will use ECDSA with algorithm 'EC'.

    // This is a sample code for signing the digest from step 2 with EC.
    // Different signature algorithm may have different interfaces
    const elliptic = require('elliptic');
    const { KEYUTIL } = require('jsrsasign');
    const privateKeyPEM = '<The PEM encoded private key>';
    const { prvKeyHex } = KEYUTIL.getKey(privateKeyPEM); // convert the pem encoded key to hex encoded private key
    const EC = elliptic.ec;
    const ecdsaCurve = elliptic.curves['p256'];
    const ecdsa = new EC(ecdsaCurve);
    const signKey = ecdsa.keyFromPrivate(prvKeyHex, 'hex');
    const sig = ecdsa.sign(Buffer.from(digest, 'hex'), signKey);
    // now we have the signature, next we should send the signed transaction proposal to the peer
    const signature = Buffer.from(sig.toDER());
  4. use the signature for transaction proposal to peer(s)

    const proposalResponses = await endorsement.send();

How to enroll with a CSR

The fabric-ca-client provides the API enroll() that accepts an optional param 'CSR'. If the params does not contains CSR, fabric-ca-client will first generate a key pair, then use the user's enrollmentID as the common name to create a CSR which is signed with the new generated private key. The response will contain the private key object if no 'CSR' in enroll params.

To enroll with a CSR, first we should call fabric-ca-client API register to register a new identity at Fabric-ca. After a successfully register, we have the enrollmentID and enrollmentSecret.

Then we should create the CSR. A common way is using the openssl command.

Notice the CSR must contain the information "common name" and the "common name" must be same as the "enrollmentID" at the register step.

Here is an example of how to create a CSR with the key algorithm rsa and key size 2048 bits

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout test.key -out test.csr

The test.csr from the above command is represented as a Base64 encoded PKCS#10.

Here is how we call enroll with a CSR

const fs = require('fs');
const csr = fs.readFileSync('the path to test.csr', 'utf8');
const req = {
    enrollmentID: enrollmentID,
    enrollmentSecret: enrollmentSecret,
    csr: csr,

const enrollment = await caService.enroll(req);
// the enrollment.certificate contains the signed certificate from Fabric-ca