Status of a transaction that is committed to the ledger.

interface Status {
    blockNumber: bigint;
        | 0
        | 1
        | 2
        | 3
        | 4
        | 5
        | 6
        | 7
        | 8
        | 9
        | 10
        | 11
        | 12
        | 13
        | 14
        | 15
        | 16
        | 17
        | 18
        | 19
        | 20
        | 21
        | 22
        | 23
        | 24
        | 25
        | 254
        | 255;
    successful: boolean;
    transactionId: string;


blockNumber: bigint

Block number in which the transaction committed.

    | 0
    | 1
    | 2
    | 3
    | 4
    | 5
    | 6
    | 7
    | 8
    | 9
    | 10
    | 11
    | 12
    | 13
    | 14
    | 15
    | 16
    | 17
    | 18
    | 19
    | 20
    | 21
    | 22
    | 23
    | 24
    | 25
    | 254
    | 255

Transaction validation status code. The value corresponds to one of the values enumerated by StatusCode.

successful: boolean

true if the transaction committed successfully; otherwise false.

transactionId: string

The ID of the transaction.