
open class EdgeAgent(source)

EdgeAgent class is responsible for handling the connection to other agents in the network using a provided Mediator Service Endpoint and seed data.


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constructor(apollo: Apollo, castor: Castor, pluto: Pluto, mercury: Mercury, pollux: Pollux, connectionManager: ConnectionManager, seed: Seed?, api: Api?, logger: PrismLogger = PrismLoggerImpl(LogComponent.PRISM_AGENT), agentOptions: AgentOptions = AgentOptions())

Initializes the EdgeAgent with the given dependencies.

constructor(apollo: Apollo, castor: Castor, pluto: Pluto, mercury: Mercury, pollux: Pollux, seed: Seed? = null, api: Api? = null, mediatorHandler: MediationHandler, logger: PrismLogger = PrismLoggerImpl(LogComponent.PRISM_AGENT), agentOptions: AgentOptions = AgentOptions())

Initializes the EdgeAgent constructor.


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Enumeration representing the current state of the agent.


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val seed: Seed
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Accepts a Prism Onboarding invitation and performs the onboarding process

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Accepts an Out-of-Band (DIDComm), verifies if it contains attachments or not. If it does contain attachments means is a contactless request presentation. If it does not, it just creates a pair and establishes a connection.

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suspend fun backupWallet(plutoBackupTask: PlutoBackupTask = PlutoBackupTask(pluto)): String

Performs a backup operation.

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open suspend fun createNewPeerDID(services: Array<DIDDocument.Service> = emptyArray(), updateMediator: Boolean): DID

This function creates a new Peer DID, stores it in pluto database and updates the mediator if requested.

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suspend fun createNewPrismDID(keyPathIndex: Int? = null, alias: String? = null, services: Array<DIDDocument.Service> = emptyArray()): DID

This method create a new Prism DID, that can be used to identify the agent and interact with other agents.

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This method returns a list of all the VerifiableCredentials stored locally.

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suspend fun getAllDIDPairs(): List<DIDPair>

This method returns all DID pairs

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This method returns all registered PeerDIDs.

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suspend fun getDIDInfo(did: DID): PrismDIDInfo?

This method fetches a DIDInfo from local storage.

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Handles the messages events and return a publisher of the messages.

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Handles the received messages events and return a publisher of the messages.

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suspend fun initiatePresentationRequest(type: CredentialType, toDID: DID, presentationClaims: PresentationClaims, domain: String? = null, challenge: String? = null)
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suspend fun isCredentialRevoked(credential: Credential)
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This method provides a channel to listen for credentials that are revoked. As long as there is an observer collecting from this flow the updates will keep happening.

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Parses the given string as an invitation

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This function creates a Presentation from a request verification.

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This function prepares a request credential from an offer given the subject DID.

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This function parses an issued credential message, stores, and returns the verifiable credential.

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suspend fun recoverWallet(jwe: String)

Restores a Pluto instance from a JWE (JSON Web Encryption) string.

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This method registers a DID pair into the local database.

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suspend fun registerPeerDID(did: DID, keyAgreementKeyPair: KeyPair, authenticationKeyPair: KeyPair, updateMediator: Boolean)

Registers a peer DID with the specified DID and private keys.

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suspend fun sendMessage(message: Message): Message?

Sends a DIDComm message through HTTP using mercury and returns a message if this is returned immediately by the REST endpoint.

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Sets up a mediator DID for communication with the specified DID.

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suspend fun signWith(did: DID, message: ByteArray): Signature

This function will use the provided DID to sign a given message.

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suspend fun start()

Start the EdgeAgent and Mediator services.

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fun startFetchingMessages(requestInterval: Int = 5)

Start fetching the messages from the mediator.

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fun stop()

Stops the EdgeAgent. The function sets the state of EdgeAgent to State.STOPPING. All ongoing events that was created by the EdgeAgent are stopped. After all the events are stopped the state of the EdgeAgent is set to State.STOPPED.

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Stop fetching messages

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suspend fun updateMediatorWithDID(did: DID)

Updates the mediator with the specified DID by updating the key list with the given DID.