ModelManager (Common API)

Overview - Common API - Client API - Admin API - Runtime API


Manages the Composer model files.

The structure of Resources (Assets, Transactions, Participants) is modelled in a set of Composer files. The contents of these files are managed by the ModelManager. Each Composer file has a single namespace and contains a set of asset, transaction and participant type definitions.

Composer applications load their Composer files and then call the addModelFile method to register the Composer file(s) with the ModelManager. The ModelManager parses the text of the Composer file and will make all defined types available to other Composer services, such as the Serializer (to convert instances to/from JSON) and Factory (to create instances).


  • Module common

Method Summary

Name Returns Description
addDecoratorFactory void Add a decorator factory to this model manager
addModelFile Object Adds a Composer file (as a string) to the ModelManager
addModelFiles Object[] Add a set of Composer files to the model manager
clearModelFiles void Remove all registered Composer files
deleteModelFile void Remove the Composer file for a given namespace
getAssetDeclarations AssetDeclaration[] Get the AssetDeclarations defined in this model manager
getConceptDeclarations ConceptDeclaration[] Get the Concepts defined in this model manager
getDecoratorFactories DecoratorFactory[] Get the decorator factories for this model manager
getEnumDeclarations EnumDeclaration[] Get the EnumDeclarations defined in this model manager
getEventDeclarations EventDeclaration[] Get the EventDeclarations defined in this model manager
getFactory Factory Get a factory for creating new instances of types defined in this model manager
getNamespaces string[] Get the namespaces registered with the ModelManager
getParticipantDeclarations ParticipantDeclaration[] Get the ParticipantDeclarations defined in this model manager
getSerializer Serializer Get a serializer for serializing instances of types defined in this model manager
getSystemTypes ClassDeclaration[] Get all class declarations from system namespaces
getTransactionDeclarations TransactionDeclaration[] Get the TransactionDeclarations defined in this model manager
updateExternalModels Promise Downloads all ModelFiles that are external dependencies and adds or updates them in this ModelManager
updateModelFile Object Updates a Composer file (as a string) on the ModelManager
validateModelFile void Validates a Composer file (as a string) to the ModelManager
validateModelFiles void Validates all models files in this model manager

Method Details


validateModelFile( string modelfile, string filename )

Validates a Composer file (as a string) to the ModelManager. Composer files have a single namespace. Note that if there are dependencies between multiple files the files must be added in dependency order, or the addModelFiles method can be used to add a set of files irrespective of dependencies.


Name Type Mandatory Description
modelFile string Yes The Composer file as a string
fileName string Yes an optional file name to associate with the model file


Object addModelFile( string modelfile, string filename, [boolean disablevalidation] )

Adds a Composer file (as a string) to the ModelManager. Composer files have a single namespace. If a Composer file with the same namespace has already been added to the ModelManager then it will be replaced. Note that if there are dependencies between multiple files the files must be added in dependency order, or the addModelFiles method can be used to add a set of files irrespective of dependencies.


Object - The newly added model file (internal).


Name Type Mandatory Description
modelFile string Yes The Composer file as a string
fileName string Yes an optional file name to associate with the model file
disableValidation boolean Yes If true then the model files are not validated


Object updateModelFile( string modelfile, string filename, [boolean disablevalidation] )

Updates a Composer file (as a string) on the ModelManager. Composer files have a single namespace. If a Composer file with the same namespace has already been added to the ModelManager then it will be replaced.


Object - The newly added model file (internal).


Name Type Mandatory Description
modelFile string Yes The Composer file as a string
fileName string Yes an optional file name to associate with the model file
disableValidation boolean Yes If true then the model files are not validated


deleteModelFile( string namespace )

Remove the Composer file for a given namespace


Name Type Mandatory Description
namespace string Yes The namespace of the model file to delete.


Object[] addModelFiles( modelfiles, [ filenames], [boolean disablevalidation] )

Add a set of Composer files to the model manager.


Object - The newly added model files (internal).


Name Type Mandatory Description
modelFiles Yes An array of Composer files as strings.
fileNames Yes An optional array of file names to associate with the model files
disableValidation boolean Yes If true then the model files are not validated


validateModelFiles( )

Validates all models files in this model manager


No parameters


Promise updateExternalModels( [Object options], [ModelFileDownloader modelfiledownloader] )

Downloads all ModelFiles that are external dependencies and adds or updates them in this ModelManager.


Promise - a promise when the download and update operation is completed.


Name Type Mandatory Description
options Object Yes Options object passed to ModelFileLoaders
modelFileDownloader ModelFileDownloader Yes an optional ModelFileDownloader


clearModelFiles( )

Remove all registered Composer files


No parameters


string[] getNamespaces( )

Get the namespaces registered with the ModelManager.


string - namespaces - the namespaces that have been registered.


No parameters


ClassDeclaration[] getSystemTypes( )

Get all class declarations from system namespaces


ClassDeclaration - the ClassDeclarations from system namespaces


No parameters


AssetDeclaration[] getAssetDeclarations( Boolean includesystemtype )

Get the AssetDeclarations defined in this model manager


AssetDeclaration - the AssetDeclarations defined in the model manager


Name Type Mandatory Description
includeSystemType Boolean Yes Include the decalarations of system type in returned data


TransactionDeclaration[] getTransactionDeclarations( Boolean includesystemtype )

Get the TransactionDeclarations defined in this model manager


TransactionDeclaration - the TransactionDeclarations defined in the model manager


Name Type Mandatory Description
includeSystemType Boolean Yes Include the decalarations of system type in returned data


EventDeclaration[] getEventDeclarations( Boolean includesystemtype )

Get the EventDeclarations defined in this model manager


EventDeclaration - the EventDeclaration defined in the model manager


Name Type Mandatory Description
includeSystemType Boolean Yes Include the decalarations of system type in returned data


ParticipantDeclaration[] getParticipantDeclarations( Boolean includesystemtype )

Get the ParticipantDeclarations defined in this model manager


ParticipantDeclaration - the ParticipantDeclaration defined in the model manager


Name Type Mandatory Description
includeSystemType Boolean Yes Include the decalarations of system type in returned data


EnumDeclaration[] getEnumDeclarations( Boolean includesystemtype )

Get the EnumDeclarations defined in this model manager


EnumDeclaration - the EnumDeclaration defined in the model manager


Name Type Mandatory Description
includeSystemType Boolean Yes Include the decalarations of system type in returned data


ConceptDeclaration[] getConceptDeclarations( Boolean includesystemtype )

Get the Concepts defined in this model manager


ConceptDeclaration - the ConceptDeclaration defined in the model manager


Name Type Mandatory Description
includeSystemType Boolean Yes Include the decalarations of system type in returned data


Factory getFactory( )

Get a factory for creating new instances of types defined in this model manager.


Factory - A factory for creating new instances of types defined in this model manager.


No parameters


Serializer getSerializer( )

Get a serializer for serializing instances of types defined in this model manager.


Serializer - A serializer for serializing instances of types defined in this model manager.


No parameters


DecoratorFactory[] getDecoratorFactories( )

Get the decorator factories for this model manager.


DecoratorFactory - The decorator factories for this model manager.


No parameters


addDecoratorFactory( DecoratorFactory factory )

Add a decorator factory to this model manager.


Name Type Mandatory Description
factory DecoratorFactory Yes The decorator factory to add to this model manager.

Inherited methods