Managing a Deployed Business Network

Managing your Hyperledger Composer Solution

Participants and identities

Participants and identities are core concepts of Hyperledger Composer. A participant is a member of business networks and might represent individuals or organizations. Participants have identity documents which can be validated to prove their identity. For more information, see participants and identities.

Adding participants

Participants must be added to a business network before they can make transactions. Participants can create assets, and also exchange assets with other participants. A participant works with assets by submitting transactions.

Creating, Exporting, and Importing Business Network Cards

Business network cards combine a connection profile, identity, and certificates to allow a connection to a business network in Hyperledger Composer Playground. Business network cards can be created, exported and imported from the My Wallet page in Hyperledger Composer Playground.

Issuing a new identity to a participant

A new identity can be issued to a participant using either the API or the command line. Once a new identity has been issued, the identity can then be used by the participant to interact with the business network in the context of that participant.

Binding an existing identity to a participant

An existing identity can be bound to a participant using either the API or the command line. Once an existing identity has been bound, the identity can then be used by the participant to interact with the business network in the context of that participant.

Listing all identities in a business network

Identities issued or bound to a participant create a mapping. In order to perform identity management operations in a deployed business network, you will need to list and review the set of identities in the identity registry.

Revoking an identity from a participant

An identity can be revoked from a participant using either the API or the command line. Once an identity has been revoked, the identity can no longer be used by the participant to interact with the business network in the context of that participant.

Interacting with Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Composer is designed to be platform-agnostic. This section is about specifics in relation to interacting with Hyperledger Fabric.

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