Programmatic access control

Programmatic access control

It is recommended that you use declarative access control to implement access control rules in your business network definition. However, you can implement programmatic access control in your transaction processors by retrieving and testing either the current participant or the current identity. You can run tests against the properties of the current participant or the current identity to permit or reject the execution of a transaction processor function.

A transaction processor function can call the getCurrentParticipant function to get the current participant:

let currentParticipant = getCurrentParticipant();

The current participant is an instance of a modelled participant from the business network definition, or an instance of the system type org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin.

A transaction processor function can call the getCurrentIdentity function to get the current identity:

let currentIdentity = getCurrentIdentity();

The current identity is an instance of the system type org.hyperledger.composer.system.Identity, which represents an identity within a deployed business network.

Before you start

Before you follow these steps, you must have modeled a participant in a business network definition and deployed it as a business network. You must have created some instances of those participants, and issued those participants with identities.

The procedure below shows an example using the following participant models:


participant Person identified by personId {
  o String personId
  o String firstName
  o String lastName

participant PrivilegedPerson extends Person {



  1. In your transaction processor function, verify the type of the current participant meets the requirements by using the getCurrentParticipant function:
   async function onPrivilegedTransaction(privilegedTransaction) {
       let currentParticipant = getCurrentParticipant();
       if (currentParticipant.getFullyQualifiedType() !== '') {
           throw new Error('Transaction can only be submitted by a privileged person');
       // Current participant must be a privileged person to get here.
  1. In your transaction processor function, verify the participant ID of the current participant by using the getCurrentParticipant function:
   async function onPrivilegedTransaction(privilegedTransaction) {
       let currentParticipant = getCurrentParticipant();
       if (currentParticipant.getFullyQualifiedIdentifier() !== '') {
           throw new Error('Transaction can only be submitted by person 1');
       // Current participant must be person 1 to get here.

The participant ID of the current participant can be compared to a participant that is linked to an asset (by a relationship) to verify that the current participant has the authority to access or modify an asset:

   async function onPrivilegedTransaction(privilegedTransaction) {
       // Get the owner of the asset in the transaction.
       let assetOwner = privilegedTransaction.asset.owner;
       let currentParticipant = getCurrentParticipant();
       if (currentParticipant.getFullyQualifiedIdentifier() !== asset.owner.getFullyQualifiedIdentifier()) {
           throw new Error('Transaction can only be submitted by the owner of the asset');
       // Current participant must be the owner of the asset to get here.
  1. In your transaction processor function, verify the certificate of the current identity meets the requirements by using the getCurrentIdentity function:
   async function onPrivilegedTransaction(privilegedTransaction) {
       let currentIdentity = getCurrentIdentity();
       // Get the PEM encoded certificate from the current identity.
       let certificate = currentIdentity.certificate;
       // Perform testing on the PEM encoded certificate.
       if (!certificate.match(/^----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----/)) {
            throw new Error('Transaction can only be submitted by a person with a valid certificate');
       // Current identity must have a valid certificate to get here.