Writing a Node.js application

Writing Node.js Applications

Application developers use the composer-client npm module to programmatically connect to a deployed business network, create, read, update and delete assets and participants and to submit transactions. If applications need to be able to deploy or administer business networks, then the composer-admin npm module can be used.

The sample landregistry.js file contains a class to the represent the land registry and contains methods for listing the land titles, adding default titles, and submitting the transaction. This has been implemented using a JavaScript class; however you are free to structure your code as you wish.

It's worth highlighting that the style of the API is to use promises. Typically Hyperledger Composer APIs will return a promise that is resolved when the operation has been successfully completed or with the result of the operation if applicable.

If you're not familiar with Promise based development it's worth reviewing some of the tutorials online to get an idea. Further to this, in node 8, async/await is now supported making it easier to develop asynchronous applications. The examples shown here make use of await and assume that the code is contained within a function that has async attribute

Modules required

const BusinessNetworkConnection = require('composer-client').BusinessNetworkConnection;

For a Hyperledger Composer client application this is the only npm module required.

Connecting to the Hyperledger Composer Runtime

A BusinessNetworkConnection instance is created and then used to connect to a runtime:

this.bizNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection();

The first Hyperledger Composer API call that we are going to make here, is the connect() API, to establish the connection to the Hyperledger Composer runtime on the Hyperledger Fabric. An appropriate cardName needs to be provided for connection, for example admin@digitalproperty-network may be a valid card name depending on how the digitalproperty-network was deployed. This API returns a Promise to the businessNetworkDefinition if successful:

let this.businessNetworkDefinition = await this.bizNetworkConnection.connect(cardName);

For a client application this is all the essential setup that is required, from this point on it's up to what the application wants to do as to what APIs are called.

Adding assets to a registry

The Hyperledger Composer runtime will create a default registry for each type of modeled asset. So in this example, a LandTitle registry will have been created. What we want to do here is get access to that registry and then add some assets. The getAssetRegistry() method takes the fully qualified asset name as defined in the CTO model file (that is the namespace plus the name of the asset type). It returns a promise that is resolved with the asset registry:

this.titlesRegistry = await this.bizNetworkConnection.getAssetRegistry('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.LandTitle');

Next step is to create some assets (look for the method _bootstrapTitles in the code )

A factory style pattern is used to create assets. A factory is obtained from the businessNetworkDefinition and used to create instances of all the types defined in the business network. Note the use of the namespace and asset name. Then we can set the properties of this asset. The identifiers here (firstName lastName) matches with the properties defined in the model.

let factory = this.businessNetworkDefinition.getFactory();
owner = factory.newResource('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork', 'Person', 'PID:1234567890');
owner.firstName = 'Fred';
owner.lastName = 'Bloggs';

We now have a Person! Now we need a land title. Note how the owner is specified as being the person we just created. (In the actual sample code we do this code twice to create landTitle1 and landTitle2).

let landTitle2 = factory.newResource('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork', 'LandTitle', 'LID:6789');
landTitle2.owner = owner;
landTitle2.information = 'A small flat in the city';

We now have a land title created that needs to be stored in the registry.

await this.titlesRegistry.addAll([landTitle1, landTitle2]);

This is using an API to add multiple titles, which returns a promise that is resolved when the assets are added. The last thing we need to do is add the Person, Fred Bloggs. As this is a 'participant', the getParticipantRegistry API is used.

let personRegistry = await this.bizNetworkConnection.getParticipantRegistry('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.Person');
await personRegistry.add(owner);

Listing assets in a regsitry

In the sample application this is handled in a different method list(). The same setup as for putting assets is required, so as before we need to get the asset registry but this tile we call the getAll() API. This returns an array of objects.

let registry = await this.bizNetworkConnection.getAssetRegistry('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.LandTitle');
let aResources = await registry.getAll();
let table = new Table({
    head: ['TitleID', 'OwnerID', 'First Name', 'Surname', 'Description', 'ForSale']
let arrayLength = aResources.length;
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
    let tableLine = [];
    tableLine.push(aResources[i].forSale ? 'Yes' : 'No');
  // Put to stdout - as this is really a command line app
return table;

Most of this isn't Hyperledger Composer API code - but it shows how to access the details of the objects that have been returned. At this point it's worth just looking again at the model.

asset LandTitle identified by titleId {
  o String   titleId
  o Person   owner
  o String   information
  o Boolean  forSale   optional

participant Person identified by personId {
  o String personId
  o String firstName
  o String lastName

You can see how the owner and title information are being accessed in a very simple manner.

Submitting a transaction

The last thing that we need to do is submit a transaction. This is the definition of the transaction in the model file:

transaction RegisterPropertyForSale identified by transactionId{
  o String transactionId
  --> LandTitle title

The transaction has two fields here, a trandsactionId, and a reference to the land title that should be submitted for sale. The first step is get access to the registry for the landtitle, and get back the specific land title we want to submit for sale.

let registry = await this.bizNetworkConnection.getAssetRegistry('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.LandTitle');
await registry.get('LID:1148');

The getAssetRegistry call should now be looking a bit familiar, the get API is used to get a specific land title. The next step is to create the transaction we want to submit.

let serializer = this.businessNetworkDefinition.getSerializer();

let resource = serializer.fromJSON({
  '$class': 'net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.RegisterPropertyForSale',
  'title': 'LID:1148'

await this.bizNetworkConnection.submitTransaction(resource);

What we need to do here is create a 'serializer'. This is able to create a resource - this resource is then passed to the submitTransaction API. Note that the transaction JSON matches the structure specified in the model file.
