Hyperledger Composer Generator CLI


composer generator create - create code artifacts based on a business network definition


composer generator create <options>

  --help             Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version      Show version number  [boolean]
  --archiveFile, -a  Business network archive file name. Default is based on the Identifier of the BusinessNetwork  [string] [required]
  --format, -f       Format of code to generate: Go (beta), PlantUML, Typescript (beta), JSONSchema.  [required]
  --outputDir, -o    Output Location  [required]


This will take the Hyperledger Composer business network definition as input and create artifacts related to writing new applications.


  • -a --archiveFile
    The path to the business network archive file. This will be the source that is used to create the artifacts
  • -f --format
    The format of the artifacts that will be created.

    • go Generates class definitions in the go language for the assets and participants
    • Typescript Generates class definitions in the Typescript language for the assets and participants
    • JSONSchema Generates the equivalent to the model in JSONSchema
    • PlantUML Generates a description of the model suitable for use with PlantUML to generate diagrams
  • --help
    Shows the help text

  • -v --version
    Shows the version number

  • -o, --outputDir The output directory for the generated files.

Example Usage

composer generator create --archiveFile digitalPropertyNetwork.bna --format Go --outputDir ./dev/go-app

Javascript API Example

const GeneratorCreate = require('composer-cli').Generator.Create;

let options = {
  archiveFile: 'digitalPropertyNetwork.bna',
  format: 'Go',
  outputDir: './dev/go-app'
