Hyperledger Composer Generator CLI


composer generator docs - create documentation for a Business Network


composer generator docs <options>

  --help             Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version      Show version number  [boolean]
  --archive, -a  Business network archive file name. Default is based on the Identifier of the BusinessNetwork  [string] [required]
  --config, -c   Path to the configuration file to use, default is one specificaly for BNA files  [default: ""]
  --outdir, -o   Output Location  [default: "./out"]


This will take the Composer business network definition as input and create html based documentation for all aspects.


  • -a --archiveFile
    The path to the business network archive file. This will be the source that is used to create the artifacts
  • -c --config
    The configuration that controls how the documentation is produced. An existing template is in-built and this does not need to specified. Reserved for future expansion
  • -o --output The output directory with the html. index.html is the starting point.
  • --help
    Shows the help text
  • -v --version
    Shows the version number

Example Usage

composer generator docs --archiveFile digitalPropertyNetwork.bna