Hyperledger Composer Network Install CLI

Hyperledger Composer Network Install

The composer network install command is used to install a business network archive on the Hyperledger Fabric peers of the blockchain network you are connecting to. This command must be run before the composer network start command.

composer network install --archiveFile <business-network-archive> --card <peer-admin-card>


composer network install [options]

  --help                     Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version              Show version number  [boolean]
  --archiveFile, -a  The business network archive file name  [string] [required]
  --card, -c         The cardname to use to install the network  [string] [required]
  --option, -o       Options that are specific to connection. Multiple options are specified by repeating this option  [string]
  --optionsFile, -O  A file containing options that are specific to connection  [string]  

Please refer to Connector specific information for more information about connecting to Hyperledger Fabric v1.1.

Javascript API Example

const NetworkInstall = require('composer-cli').Network.Install;

let options = {
  archiveFile: 'digitalPropertyNetwork.bna',
  card: 'admin@tutorial-network'
