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Iroha has been built with few underlying assumptions about what the assets need to be.

The assets can be fungible (every £1 is exactly the same as every other £1) or non-fungible (a £1 bill signed by the Queen of Hearts is not the same as a £1 bill signed by the King of Spades).

The assets can also be mintable (you can make more of them) and non-mintable (you can only specify their initial quantity in the genesis block).

Value Types

Additionally, the assets have different underlying value types. Specifically, we have AssetValueType.Quantity, which is effectively an unsigned 32-bit integer, a BigQuantity, which is an unsigned 128-bit integer, and Fixed, which is a positive (though signed) 64-bit fixed-precision number with nine significant digits after the decimal point. All three types can be registered as either mintable or non-mintable.

There is also the Store asset type, which is used for storing key-values in object's metadata. We talk in detail about Store asset in the chapter related to metadata.

Asset Structure


Assets can be registered, minted or burned, and transferred.

Refer to one of the language-specific guides to walk you through the process of registering and minting assets in a blockchain: